isidoromendez / tsc-api-studio

Good practices to build an API
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Write API Creation Check List #3

Closed isidoromendez closed 1 year ago

isidoromendez commented 1 year ago

Write a list of essential topics that are needed to cover Node API developing

Some ideas:


This project is just for study the core concepts on a NodeJS API. We just use some basic frameworks, see our package.json

Git Repo

Concepts that we explore here:

1.Conventional commits 2.Architecture 2.1 Define Architecture 2.2 Document architecture 2.3 Document procedures for developers Security 3.1 CORS 3.2 JWT 3.3 API Keys Restful Statelessness 5.1 Caching 5.2 Compression 5.3 Content Negotiation 5.4 HATEOAS 5.5 Idempotence 5.6 Security Essentials 5.7 Versioning 5.8 Statelessness Forking 6.1 Need architecture support for forked process? Forking example Errors strategy 7.1 Response codes HTTP Response Codes