iskugor / Ti.SwipeRefreshLayout

Titanium module for Android's SwipeRefreshLayout.
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Closing and opening a window with Ti.SwipeRefreshLayout hides the listview #22

Open jonasfunk opened 8 years ago

jonasfunk commented 8 years ago

I am developing an Android app, where I am forced to run it as singleTask. This means that when returning to the app, either from clicking the app icon or from another app, all activities but the root are closed. The root window is closed as well, but just needs to be opened again by calling the open() method. This works fine, but it seems like the listview hooked up to the Ti.SwipeRefreshLayout is not redrawn/not visible after that. As a test, I tried to use the listview without Ti.SwipeRefreshLayout, and then it's visible after reopening the app.

iotashan commented 8 years ago

I have the exact same issue. Point of fact... it's not the child that is not visible, it's the actual SwipeRefreshLayout that doesn't redraw. I'm not seeing any obvious errors in the console output.

DFoxinator commented 7 years ago

@iotashan @jonasfunk did either of you ever figure this out?

iotashan commented 7 years ago


annakozy2011 commented 7 years ago

Do you have anything like a scrollable view in your window instead of tabgroup (some simulated tabgroup designs use it)? For me it was not the issue with the module, but the issue that the scrollable view was not caching correctly. I was going to jump out from the window, when I found "cacheSize" property and increased it, and that was it. .... I also reopen my window bcs of single task, it works

jonasfunk commented 7 years ago

Not experiencing the issue anymore, but unfortunately I cannot remember what I did to fix it. Looking at the code, I can see that I am using Fokkes pullToRefresh widget. Are you using that one?

annakozy2011 commented 7 years ago

Yes, so did I, when I subscribed to this issue, but for me it was because of cacheSize. It does not do much, the widget, it´s just a shortcut to have the same code for iOS and Android. For me it was disappearing all the time, but it was because the scrollable view that I use in place of tabgroup (I forgot about it), would ditch its children beyond cacheSize, and for some reason it could not recover them correctly.

Maybe it IS this very bug though? Author, if you have time, try to reproduce with a scrollableView with like 10 children each being the list, and then jump from the 1st view to the 10th, and you´ll see the bug.

I just don´t ditch anything anymore, and on singleTask reopening the app, I reconstruct the index from scratch

annakozy2011 commented 7 years ago

It definitely disappears when you kinda try to take it out from memory then construct it again (like when using scrollable view, and I guess also when closing/reopening the window without constructing it from zero). The workaround is just "dont do it"

DFoxinator commented 7 years ago

Hmm, thanks for the information. I am not using any scrollable views. I am using this module directly, and not Fokkes pullToRefresh widget.

jonasfunk commented 7 years ago

I think I tried using the module directly, so even though it doesn't makes sense I'm guessing the fix has something to do with the widget, since we don't use the pullToRefresh widget on iOS. You can give it a try.

Lenndev commented 7 years ago

Is there anyone with a concrete answer? For some reason i have a problem like this, but with a tableview instead of a listview. on android. I've used the fokkeZandbergen plugin before, then switched to using this plugin directly, but no changes. Initially it works. But when i open a window it is not displayed