iskugor / Ti.SwipeRefreshLayout

Titanium module for Android's SwipeRefreshLayout.
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Trouble installing Module #6

Closed gursel58 closed 9 years ago

gursel58 commented 9 years ago

I am wondering if you might have some ideas, I have been working on this all day without any progress. I am looking at installing Ti.SwipeRefreshLayout as a prerequisite of SwiperRefreshLayout.

I am using TI 3.4.1.GA on a Windows 7 PC I have tried the following with no luck

1/ I have try to import the module into Titanium SDK using Help\Install Mobile Module and copying the URL of the zip file. The module was put into the C:\ProgramData\Titanium\ directory 2/ I tried copying by hand into c:\ProgramData\Titanium\modules\android 3/ I tried to import directly into the project and it was inserted in the project

I have tried a number of other suggestions I have found on the internet but they all end up with the same result

The module is not found when I use the TiApp Editor and when I add it in by hand in tiapp.xml then when I build my app I get an [ERROR] Application Installer abnormal process termination. Process exit value was 1

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

gursel58 commented 9 years ago

Found the problem. I didn't have the NDK directory set properly in Titanium Studio. Works great now. Thanks