I have a scene with several instances. And I wanted to move some of the instances within the scene. However the translate and transform function apply to all points/vertices in the *.ply file. And If I'm transforming the vertices, the corresponding triangles would be stretched.
For example, before the transformation:
After the transformation:
We use the following code to change the coordinates of the vertices:
Is there some way that we can do this transformation while keeping the triangles normal?
branch).My Question
I have a scene with several instances. And I wanted to move some of the instances within the scene. However the translate and transform function apply to all points/vertices in the *.ply file. And If I'm transforming the vertices, the corresponding triangles would be stretched.
For example, before the transformation: After the transformation:
We use the following code to change the coordinates of the vertices:
Is there some way that we can do this transformation while keeping the triangles normal?