islambarakat99 / Multi-Robot-Formation-Control-using-Deep-Reinforcement-Learning

A leader-follower formation control using deep reinforcement learning environment, In which every agent can learn to follow the leader agent by keeping track of a certain distance to that leader, avoiding obstacles, and avoiding collision with the other agents.
MIT License
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ask for help again #8

Open jokerlsq opened 1 year ago

jokerlsq commented 1 year ago

Sorry to bother you again, as I really need your help urgently. Recently, I really need to run through and understand this project in a short period of time, but I am a novice in this field. I have used it for a long time but have not yet run through the code. I urgently need your help. Details are as follows: 1 As a novice, although I have been doing it for a long time, I can't understand the problem of environment matching at all. My computer is an ordinary notebook with a Windows system with slightly stronger performance. I run your code on pycharm, using the python3.6.9 you were using, and working with tensorflow1.15.0. I have changed the "train. py" inside the directory problem, now encountered "(ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow.contrib')" problem


2 I have installed the corresponding tensorflow version, but it still reported this error. After consulting some information, I think it may be that the application of the "contrib" module in the windows system is somewhat different, and I don't know how to solve it. 3 Recently, I really need to quickly run through this code and try to understand all the content of the code. I also admire your project and want to study it. So I implore you to take the time to pay attention to it recently, and give me some practical guidance for this newcomer novice, at least let me run through this code as soon as possible, thank you. 4 please save me!!!

jokerlsq commented 1 year ago

Please don't close this issue, I hope it can be saved until I finish learning this project completely, and at the same time it can give some encouragement to other newcomers. begging for your help again

islambarakat99 commented 1 year ago

Hello I am really happy to help you in this project, so you can ask whenever you need!

I really haven't tried it with windows I was working with Linux and currently with WSL, so I highly recommend to you to do so. But if you are not aware of Linux it may be more complicated and may waste more time trying to configure your environment. In this case you can still work with windows and try to search for your tensorflow issue.

TensorFlow had a major migration lately to Tensorflow 2, however this project was based on TF1 so you should not get problems with your TF1 version.

However if this issue still exists, you may work with TF2 and switch to the branch I have created lately named "main_migrated" however there might be some other issues you may face as I haven't tested it completely but as far as I remember it was working to the end, but sometimes fails while saving.

Unfortunately, migration from TF1 to TF2 is a huge change that needs a lot of effort and time to finish. The problem is that I barely have time lately and in the upcoming period to solve these issues, specially considering the fact that the project was made 2 years ago and there are a lot of concepts and implementation to remember and navigate through.

I promise I will try to specify a period at every weekend to finish the migration, in the meanwhile you can ask me at any time and I will help you once I read the comment and try to provide short solutions if any.


jokerlsq commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for your reply. Next, I will continue to actively explore and discuss with you, trying to solve this problem as soon as possible.