Was wondering if it is possible to make it able to wrap with OpenAI's DummyVecEnv?
Seems like most of their baselines all require a vectorized env, would it be possible to wrap it?
OpenAI also requires actions space and observation space to be specific to theirs, as in either "Box" or "Discrete", pysc2 seem to offer action in lists, and observation in objects, is there a way to translate between them?
Was wondering if it is possible to make it able to wrap with OpenAI's DummyVecEnv? Seems like most of their baselines all require a vectorized env, would it be possible to wrap it?
OpenAI also requires actions space and observation space to be specific to theirs, as in either "Box" or "Discrete", pysc2 seem to offer action in lists, and observation in objects, is there a way to translate between them?