islandora-interest-groups / Islandora-Metadata-Interest-Group

We investigate and provide metadata solutions that help improve metadata creation, maintenance and enhancement in Islandora.
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CLAW Metadata Minimum Viable Product #30

Open uconnjeustis opened 7 years ago

uconnjeustis commented 7 years ago

What features should CLAW have in order to be considered usable in terms of metadata creation and manipulation? List your features below.

alehman-loc commented 7 years ago

I definitely need the XML Form Builder, and I'd be willing to work with someone to process the XML Forms Use Cases from (unless there's already been work on this?)

ruebot commented 7 years ago

@amandarl XML Form Builder is not slated to be in the CLAW MVP. We are recommending folks migrate their data to RDF, which allows for native Drupal integration. I'm happy to talk more about this on a CLAW Call if need be.

ruebot commented 7 years ago

...I'd also recommend folks from this IG joining us on CLAW Calls if possible. There has be a lot of work put into the MVP over the past two months since @dannylamb's arrival.

mrmiguez commented 7 years ago

@ruebot Mapping our metadata into RDF is something that's been on my mind for a while. It hasn't been a priority yet though. I can start playing around with it though.

I'm pretty sure the Hydra folks have been talking about this as well. @amandarl @uconnjeustis do you know of anyone from the Hydra Metadata Interest Group that might want to update us on their RDF work?

ruebot commented 7 years ago is worth checking out. I was apart of the group for the first few months, but then had to step away due to time commitments.

alehman-loc commented 7 years ago

@mrmiguez, I don't think either of us know folks from the HMIG, but we will definitely pay attention to their work.

@ruebot I keep missing the CLAW calls, it's just not a good time for me. I guess we just want to know if we can help. I'll try to get on the call tomorrow to check in with you all.

Thanks for the discussion!

uconnjeustis commented 7 years ago

What would be great is the ability to easily create data entry forms that allow users to enter descriptions. This would be great to have data entry forms that don't require a lot of css or working in the back end for example. It would also be nice to have automatic look ups for multiple controlled vocabularies or have the ability to add a new controlled vocabulary to the automatic lookup.

@ruebot You suggestion of having a representative on the CLAW meetings is great. Thankfully @amandarl has attended one and hopefully more if time permits. One issue that definitely I'm struggling with and perhaps Amanda is how much bandwidth I can dedicate to this project.

scande3 commented 7 years ago for predicate decisions. Also includes a list of predicate namespaces it recommends. (Posted as part of the 11/14 metadata call as I lacked a better place to put this information).