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ISL's methods for creating interactive experiences
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Moodboards #1

Open pbest opened 5 years ago

pbest commented 5 years ago


A series of distinct collections containing inspirations that define a visual direction through color, type, layout, and movement. Each is usually presented alongside a definition (link to ticket) and style tile #2


I’m going to use this method when I want to...Define a visual direction outside of comps so that we can evaluate the style alone and how it specifically speaks to the brand, intake, and goals. To include the client in the process early-on so that we can have early buy in before the first comp is shown. (DISTINCT)

How to do it

  1. Perform a creative intake #21

  2. Cast a wide net. Cull the internet and other inspirational sources for the best inspiration. Keep in mind the words from the intake but don’t let them DEFINE your search. (Go crazy and pull all the inspiration you can)

  3. Start throwing sh*t together and identify visual trends (literally use keynote and throw like objects together)(slides are cheap. Make a million of them) (make too many, they’ll get cut later) image

  4. Refine and rearrange. Fill in the gaps and define the stars(the examples that really capture the concept) (define the differences between them)

  5. Review internally with teammates, art directors Etc. (bring the keywords back in. Eliminate boards that do not connect enough of the words)

  6. Refine and reduce the number of boards that make it. (3-4) (add examples of moodboards with descriptions to define their differences)

  7. Move on to style tiles #2 and definition #2

Pro Tips


screenshot 2018-09-24 17 17 03

Time Required

3 working days

Further Reading

SolomonISL commented 5 years ago

Very understandable and good to go.