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Tree Testing #6

Open pbest opened 5 years ago

pbest commented 5 years ago

Tree Testing

A research study that helps determine if a website's navigation structure (current or proposed) is intuitive


A tree test is a research method that asks set of participants to select where in a hierarchal list of pages/titles they would expect to find specific pieces of content based on pre-written tasks. Tree testing is a quantitative way to evaluate how intuitive a website's organization and labeling is; specifically focused on navigation.


Measure twice, cut once! Overall, tree testing helps reduce the risk that you invest design or engineering resources in a information architecture that is not intuitive.

Some simple points on why to run a treetest:

How to do it

  1. Create a test plan
  2. Define tree(s)
  3. Write tasks
  4. Set up recruitment parameters
  5. Run the test
  6. Analyze results (list out the points of analysis)
  7. Refine and retest

Format of Output

A heirarchal list that represents the headings and labels of a site's navigation. This list has been established as "good" per the definition of your test plan




Time Required

1-2 weeks (add hard costs)

Further Reading

SolomonISL commented 5 years ago

What is meant by, "2. Define tree"? Can we get more detailed with this? What is meant by, "Set up recruitment parameters”? Can we be more specific? One idea is to add inline examples.