ismail9k / vue3-carousel

Vue 3 carousel component
MIT License
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customize the nav arrows #17

Closed DBereznak closed 3 years ago

DBereznak commented 3 years ago

I was just curious if it was possible to customize the nav arrows. I tried targeting the css selector class and the button with no success. I know I can go into the npm module and update it there, but that is inefficient, because if do a fresh npm install I will lose the change.

ismail9k commented 3 years ago

You can pass your own navigation arrows, whether an SVG, FontIcon or even a normal text. Check the example below:


  <template #addons>
      <template #next>
        <span> >> </span>
      <template #prev>
        <span> << </span>
DBereznak commented 3 years ago

Thanks, that works with the icon, but it still has that purple background

<template #addons>
          <template #next>

          <template #prev>



ismail9k commented 3 years ago

You can overwrite the default CSS style, however, if you don't want the navigations arrows at all, don't add the <navigation> addon

DBereznak commented 3 years ago

I tried overwriting the css, and unless I get into the npm package i can't seem to. I do want the navigation arrows, just not the purple background.

On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 9:47 AM Abdelrahman Ismail wrote:

You can overwrite the default CSS style, however, if you don't want the navigations arrows at all, don't add the addon

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ismail9k commented 3 years ago

All classes are exposed using the BEM naming convention, so you can easily overwrite then for example:

.carousel__next {
    border: 5px solid white;
    background-color: red;

You can also overwrite the carouse primary color CSS variable value to achieve this:

:root {
    --carousel-color-primary: red;

Please make sure you are using the latest version, and If this doesn't work with you, could you please provide me we a working example snippet?

DBereznak commented 3 years ago

I got it, I had to put the css for it all the way on the parent component to waterfall down

On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 1:49 PM Abdelrahman Ismail wrote:

All classes are exposed using the BEM naming convention, so you can easily overwrite then for example:

.carouselprev, .carouselnext { border: 5px solid white; background-color: red; }

You can also overwrite the carouse primary color CSS variable value to achieve this:

:root { --carousel-color-primary: red; }

Please make sure you are using the latest version, and If this doesn't work with you, could you please provide me we a working example snippet?

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ismail9k commented 3 years ago


ans-human commented 2 years ago

I got it, I had to put the css for it all the way on the parent component to waterfall down On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 1:49 PM Abdelrahman Ismail @.***> wrote: All classes are exposed using the BEM naming convention, so you can easily overwrite then for example: .carouselprev, .carouselnext { border: 5px solid white; background-color: red; } You can also overwrite the carouse primary color CSS variable value to achieve this: :root { --carousel-color-primary: red; } Please make sure you are using the latest version, and If this doesn't work with you, could you please provide me we a working example snippet? — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#17 (comment)>, or unsubscribe .

Can you please specify what do you mean by the parent component. I am having difficulty achieving exactly what you did.

<Carousel :items-to-show="3" :snapAlign="'start'" class="items-start align-top justify-items-start">
  <Slide v-for="plan in plans" :key="plan.title" class="gap-8 mx-4 items-start" :snapAlign="'start'">
    <div class="carousel__item mx-4 gap-4 items-start">
      <Pricingcard :title="plan.title" :price="plan.price" :date="" :active="" :expand="expand" :content="plan.content"/>

  <template #addons>
    <Navigation class="h-20 w-20 -mx-6 focus:outline-none" />

So I have plan cards which I want to start with the same top line. I don't seem to be able to achieve this.

gmenke54 commented 2 years ago

This thread was super useful for figuring out how to change the color of the arrows so thank you for asking @DBereznak ! I also wanted to note that you have to make sure your style tag is unscoped when you set the color of the arrows.

ahmadwaluyo commented 2 years ago
:root {
    --carousel-color-primary: red;

why it didn't work on my project, i tried to override styling to change navigation color but it was still unsuccessfull

ismail9k commented 2 years ago

@ahmadwaluyo Please refer to this file to know which CSS variables are available for the carusel

ahmadwaluyo commented 2 years ago

`<template #addons>


i've fixed it by overrided it with new class:

.carouselprev, .carouselnext { border-radius: 50%; margin: 0 16px; width: 40px; height: 40px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background: #ffffff !important; filter: drop-shadow(0px 15px 30px rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.2)); box-shadow: 0px 15px 30px rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.2); }

then, could you please tell me how to override style in pagination

ismail9k commented 2 years ago

Check this sandbox for example on how to use the carousel CSS Variables

ahmadwaluyo commented 2 years ago

i understand right now, it's because i made my style into scoped so overriding class would not work properly. When i set my style not in scoped mode its work ! alright thank you for your help 👍

Pada tanggal Sab, 26 Mar 2022 pukul 15.55 Abdelrahman Ismail < @.***> menulis:

Check this sandbox for example on how to use the carousel CSS Variables

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IHAGI-c commented 1 year ago

I want to apply +1 to data=0 when I press next and -1 when I press prev. How can I customize it?

ismail9k commented 1 year ago

@IHAGI-c The easiest way is to create your custom navigation and make it do whatever you want. Check this example:

IanKoncevich commented 10 months ago

So If You want to modify Vue3 carousel navigation to custom view. There is 3 easy steps:

  1. Open library file destination something like: "vue3-carousel/dist/carousel.css"

  2. Creat css file copy and rename it for example: "vue3-carousel/dist/carousel-custom.css" You can modify it as you need.

  3. In Your JS script replace "import "vue3-carousel/dist/carousel.css";" with "import "vue3-carousel/dist/carousel-custom.css";" to point it to your new custom css.

Modifying of initial main css file did not gave me any results but new one - worked well!