ismail9k / vue3-carousel

Vue 3 carousel component
MIT License
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↔️ Initial width of slide is not following `itemsToShow` settings #299

Closed opuu closed 1 year ago

opuu commented 1 year ago

Slide width is not full-width until the screen resizes even if configuration is set to :itemsToShow="1" and :itemsToScroll="1"

Initial load:


After resize:


To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Any demo code from the website with :itemsToShow="1" and :itemsToScroll="1".

Expected behavior Slides should have 100% width on initial load.



Additional context Scrolling the slider out of viewport and bringing it back fixes the problem on phone.

ismail9k commented 1 year ago

If you navigate from mobile or desktop to the examples page, are you still able to generate the issue? note that the first carousel has configs (:itemsToShow="1" and :itemsToScroll="1").

I want you to help me debug this issue if you could provide me with a working example that generates the same issue. Maybe you could extract the current carousel to a codesandbox it would be helpful. Thanks in advance

opuu commented 1 year ago

Fresh installation of Vue with vue3-carousel seems to be working fine. I am using it along with Vant, I will try to reproduce it using Vant soon.

Similar case was noticed with bootstrap with nuxt 3. I will let you know if I can reproduce it.

ismail9k commented 1 year ago

Thank you for that 🙏

opuu commented 1 year ago

Could not reproduce the issue on codesandbox.

My current fix is faking a screen resize event:

setTimeout(() => {
  window.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize"));
}, 1000);
ismail9k commented 1 year ago

Using one of the carousel methods would be better

setTimeout(() => {

  // OR
}, 1000);