ismail9k / vue3-carousel

Vue 3 carousel component
MIT License
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SlidesCount doesn't update according to itemsToShow and itemsToScroll #301

Open RenoNotFound opened 1 year ago

RenoNotFound commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug SlidesCount doesn't update. I have 13 slides in the carousel and there is 13 dots shown, however I want it to show as many dots as many page there is after setting the attributes itemsToShow and itemsToScroll. Maybe it's just me who doesn't found how to edit the slidesCount, but please someone help! I use breakpoints to set the settings for all the viewport.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

When I set the itemsToShow and snapAlign attributes, I want the slidesCount to update accodingly. You can see on the screenshot, that there is 13 slides, but I want 7 dots because the value of itemsToShow is 2

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


avpuchkova commented 4 months ago

@RenoNotFound did You find any solution?