ismail9k / vue3-carousel

Vue 3 carousel component
MIT License
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How can I use carousel combined if data is from props (array of objects) and if I want to use slot #310

Open tiborAntalInterway opened 1 year ago

tiborAntalInterway commented 1 year ago

Im using carousel component (u-carousel) actually like this:


and I want to have option, when I want to push slides not from prop dataSlides but from parent component (using slots), like this:


is possible to do it? thanks

ismail9k commented 1 year ago

Using v-html is not recommended, here's an example to achieve what you would like to:

// UCarousel
  <Carousel v-show="items.length" :wrap-around="true" snap-align="center">
    <template #slides>
       <slot />

    <template #addons>
      <Navigation />
      <Pagination />
// SlideWrapper
  <div class="carousel__item">
     <div class="carousel__content">
         <slot />

And use it like the following:

  <UCarousel >
      <SlideWrapper>Slide 1</SlideWrapper>
      <SlideWrapper>Slide 2</SlideWrapper>
      <SlideWrapper>Slide 3</SlideWrapper>

If your data are strings, with no need for passing HTML elements you can simply go with

// UCarousel
  <Carousel v-show="items.length" :wrap-around="true" snap-align="center">
    <Slide v-for="(item, indx) in items" :key="indx">
      <div class="carousel__item">
        <div class="carousel__content">
          {{ item }}

    <template #addons>
      <Navigation />
      <Pagination />

And use it like the following:

  <UCarousel :items="[1, 2, 3]" />
Anjali-Git-Hub commented 7 months ago

