ismail9k / vue3-carousel

Vue 3 carousel component
MIT License
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Carousel Track is adding a transform when items count is less then itemsToShow #319

Closed r-modica-cti closed 11 months ago

r-modica-cti commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug We have a carousel setup which works fine when the number of cards matches the itemsToScroll property and they match the width of the container, but if the number of slides is less then the itemsToScroll, the track is offset by what seems to be the missing slide and the items are pushed to the right.

The carousel is setting an offset for no reason, not sure if it is getting confused with the item count

To Reproduce

  1. Add a Carousel component with 100% width
  2. Set items to count to 4
  3. Add 3 slides at 25% width
  4. For us the carousel is pushed to right and is still swipable with lots of white space

Or settings are as follows:

const settings = { itemsToShow: 1, itemsToScroll: 1, snapAlign: 'start' }

const breakpoints = { 768: { itemsToShow: 2, }, 1024: { itemsToShow: 4, } }

Expected behavior The items should confirm to the snapAlign setting, and should sit in the container and possible not be swipeable

Screenshots v3carousel

Red line is the carousel container Blue is the track which in this instance is offset with the following transform being applied:

{ transform: translateX(490.875px); transition: all 0ms ease 0s; width: 100%; }

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context This seems specific to version 0.3.1, this was not the behavior in 0.2.16.

r-modica-cti commented 11 months ago

workaround is to dynamically figure out items to show

const breakpoints = { 768: { itemsToShow: 2, }, 1024: { itemsToShow: props.items.length > 3 ? 4 : props.items.length, }, }