ismail9k / vue3-carousel

Vue 3 carousel component
MIT License
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does not calculate padding automatically at first loading #333

Open Chen-Michael opened 8 months ago

Chen-Michael commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug does not calculate padding automatically at first loading

To Reproduce

<Carousel :items-to-show="1" :wrap-around="true" snapAlign="start">
      <Slide v-for="(row, key) in bannerList" :key="key">
        <q-img :src="row.image" />
      <template #addons>
        <Pagination />

Expected behavior no extra padding

Screenshots first loading has padding 截圖 2023-08-30 上午11 20 32

padding disappear after sliding

截圖 2023-08-30 上午11 20 44

the banner size is 1640 × 664

banner-7 banner-8 banner-9

Desktop (please complete the following information):