ismail9k / vue3-carousel

Vue 3 carousel component
MIT License
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Slide should have the ability to differentiate between click and drag event #343

Open AndreiBil opened 7 months ago

AndreiBil commented 7 months ago


Issue: At this moment if inside the slide I have the image wrapped inside an tag, I cant seem to drag the image so that I can go to the next slide, it acts like a click event instead and redirects me to wherever the points.

Request: I would like so that when I grab the image and drag it, to be considered a drag instead of a click event so that I can go to the next slide. And only if I click it, to act like a click event and redirect me the whatever the href value is.

DreaMinder commented 4 months ago

That's a frustrating issue... I had something similar in Hooper, but at least I've been able to fix it by firing e.preventDefault when isSliding is true, but vue3-carousel overrides my vue-events and still clicks on a link somewhere in handleDragEnd.

I kinda fixed it by adding pointer-events: none; to .is-dragging class, I hope there will be no side effects...

MKsenni commented 3 weeks ago

i have some problem ((