ismail9k / vue3-carousel

Vue 3 carousel component
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UI component inside the slide does not change when using the callback function #350

Open Admirated opened 5 months ago

Admirated commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug I'm using the "vue3-carousel" slider: "^0.2.9", This is what my slider structure looks like, inside the Slide is a UICard component image The UICard component has logic for updating data. I subscribe to an event in a class and pass a callback with this (UICard) context to it; image When callBack is called, the following happens: The required model in the UICard component is changed, (Accordingly, Watch is called on this model, which works correctly and shows that the data is actually updated). But in the card inside the slider visually nothing changes, the data remains old, and in vue devTools shows that the model is NULL. In the mobile version I use the same UICard component, which is not inside the slider, and everything works fine there What are your thoughts on how to solve this problem?

To Reproduce Try changing the component data using the callback function, inside the slider

Expected behavior I expect that the card in which the model has been changed will draw the new data, as in the mobile version without using the slider.

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