ismartcoding / plain-app

PlainApp is an open-source application that allows you to manage your phone through a web browser. Access files, videos, music, contacts, sms, calls, and more from your desktop using a secure, easy to use web interface!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.23k stars 121 forks source link

Fixed the text color for the address in the dark theme on the session… #82

Closed sai123gopal closed 10 months ago

sai123gopal commented 10 months ago


This is small pull request addresses the issue of incorrect text color in the dark theme of the Plain app. The text color for the address on the session screen was displaying as black, making it hard to read. With this fix, the text color has been adjusted to ensure proper visibility and readability in the dark theme.

Changes Made:

Adjusted text color for address in the dark theme on the session screen.


Before :

After (Adjusted Color):

Your feedback on this pull request is appreciated.

Thank you,

ismartcoding commented 10 months ago

Thank you. I didn't notice that bug.