isohuntto / openbay

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Openbay Public Database [2] #142

Open TPBT-OFFICIAL opened 9 years ago

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

Info 1: MYSQL IP: MYSQL PORT: 3306 MYSQL DATABASE: openbay MYSQL Username: openbay MYSQL Password: AcSxMV4AEpKFEWK5


Info 2: MYSQL IP: <--------- MYSQL PORT: 3306 MYSQL DATABASE: openbay MYSQL Username: openbay MYSQL Password: AcSxMV4AEpKFEWK5

SPHINX IP: <--------- SPHINX PORT: 9306

Info 3: (DOMAIN SUSPENDED DO NOT USE) MYSQL IP: <--------- MYSQL PORT: 3306 MYSQL DATABASE: openbay MYSQL Username: openbay MYSQL Password: AcSxMV4AEpKFEWK5

SPHINX IP: <--------- SPHINX PORT: 9306

Info 4: (Domain DNS propagation in progress) MYSQL IP: <--------- MYSQL PORT: 3306 MYSQL DATABASE: openbay MYSQL Username: openbay MYSQL Password: AcSxMV4AEpKFEWK5

SPHINX IP: <--------- SPHINX PORT: 9306

(Info 1 is fully working the other 2 might not be fully working)

Im not sure if this is how it works but since i got mine up and running i might as well give you all access to it and use it on your website :) i don't know how fast this is but if anyone can help me optimise it or make it faster i would apreciate it! I would also apreciate any donation: or or

Poisonleaf commented 9 years ago

Imma connect my page to that public DB and see how it goes. keep ya posted!

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

Which file are you editing with these adresses?

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@wacgyver you should edit the config file in "protected/config/config.php"

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

Thank you! yes i figured out by searching for the these parameters, but it doesent work after changing to what you suggest either. I must have a different problem, because im getting this error message whatever i do: (only the front page seems to look fine, but nothing actually works. Allthough i can of course make a "browse" folder and put torrents into it, and it'll work, but i dont think that is the way its supposed to work)

Not Found The requested URL /src/www/search was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.10 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

Im using apace and a standard installation, no customization done on either box (box1 Debian, Box2 Ubuntu). Std installation of php also. Do i need to customize this to work? PHP obviously works, but to i have to do something to PHP-FPM? Im not an expert, so id greatly appreciate input as to what is actually needed and what may be the cause of my problem. Should i use Nginx instead, and in case why so?

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

you should just use the folder "www" as the main folder of the website and you should have "protected" one directory back like this: /[somelocation]/www/ /[somelocation]/protected/ (only these two folders) Then it should work properly i think.

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

I have also tried that, right now and several times before. This is from my Ubuntu box right now: Not Found The requested URL /search was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.10 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80

"www" folder used as the main folder of the website "protected" one level up like you said. How can i verify that PHP-fpm actually works? Do i need to change socket or something? Im not sure what php-fpm does really, that php doesent do. Is it just more efficient for something? Is is not really needed? Im confused as to what could be wrong. I dont get the 404 that others get when the hosted DB server is offline, it seems to be something that fails locally. Is there any way any of could make an image of a working hosted installation either on VMware or Virtualbox? That would problaby be a lot smaller than the a hosted installation with db, and besides id really like to figure out what my problem is here.. This should be the easiest setup, and yet i cant get anything openbay related working here .. while everything else sees to work great

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

I think i know why.... do you have it configured to allow .htaccess files?

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

damn... i dont know. Probably not then, unless its allowed by default. Ill try to find the config for that now. Is is in apache.conf?

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

well if its ubuntu then yeah but i don't know a lot about ubuntu so i don't know what to look for but im sure its because of that.

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

These are the files with "htaccess" in them i think: root@tpbuntu:/etc# grep -rnw 'apache2' -e "htaccess" apache2/mods-available/php5.conf:22:# prevents .htaccess files from disabling it. apache2/apache2.conf:183:AccessFileName .htaccess apache2/apache2.conf:186:# The following lines prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

I have excactly the same problem in Debian though.

mywish1 commented 9 years ago

i have upload these files in my domain i mean i upload 2 folders only 1 of www and 1 is protected folder i move it from src folder to my main domain i mean like /[somelocation]/www/ /[somelocation]/protected/ but still my site is not working even give me 500 internal server error what i did wrong ? plz help me thanks i setup sphinx as well

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

This is pretty much it .. htaccess is mentioned 2 times in apache2.conf, 1 for which file to look for and 1 for "prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being viewed by Web clients" This is all the default setup. I have a hard time understanding that i should need to change this setup to get openbay working... do you still think this is the problem? (i mean .htaccess settings )?

AccessFileName: The name of the file to look for in each directory

for additional configuration directives. See also the AllowOverride


# AccessFileName .htaccess


The following lines prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being

viewed by Web clients.

# <FilesMatch "^.ht"> Require all denied

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

Shit... sorry about the strange formatting

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

I have not set up dns. Should that be even remotely related to the

root@tpbuntu:/etc# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

no you just need to change all "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride All" just look for a tutorial on google

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

Yes it works now after changing the "AllowOverride" from None to All :+1: :)

But only on my Ubuntu box, the Debian box did not like the change and came up with "Internal Error" whenever the "AllowOverride" was set to All

Lacedaemon commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL: Thanks for sharing your database and Sphinx! They're pretty slow, but I can confirm that they work. As stated here, just edit tpb/protected/config/config.php and change the appropriate lines according to the OP.

Finally, my OpenBay has some life for a change!

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@wacgyver If in the debian box it gave a "internal error" then it means the rewrite module isn't installed i think.... :P

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@Lacedaemon Your welcome! Im trying to get a dedicated server for this when i do i promise ill update this post :)

Lacedaemon commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL: Take your time. You've already done more than Isohunt has in the recent past. <_<

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL Yes youre right again. (rewrite module was not installed) Now it works fine too! Thanks a lot for being very helpful ! - ]

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

Is there a good guide here for setting up an openbay site with local spinxsearch and DB? I think im ready to move on to that now : ]

Lacedaemon commented 9 years ago

@wacgyver: See here.

yatznet commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL i have set my copy of openbay up using the information in the original post and it half works. i can access you list of torrents on the recent torrents page but search and browse show up 404 if you can offer any assistance on this it would be greatly appreciated the site url is its not going to be its perminent home im using it for testing

Lacedaemon commented 9 years ago

@yatznet: I may be of assistance.

The absence of search means there must be something wrong with your Sphinx configuration. Are you sure you configured Sphinx as seen above in config.php? Here's how lines 30-34 of my config.php look like:

'sphinx' => array(
    'class' => 'system.db.CDbConnection',
    'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=;port=9306',
    'queryCacheID' => 'cache'
yatznet commented 9 years ago

@Lacedaemon heres mine 'sphinx' => array( 'class' => 'system.db.CDbConnection', 'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=;port=9306', 'queryCacheID' => 'cache' ), but this appears to be exactly the same as yours so im still none the wiser to the cause of the issue

yatznet commented 9 years ago

debug mode give me CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2003] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)


line 297 looks like

$this->_search = Yii::app()->sphinx->quoteValue($search);

Lacedaemon commented 9 years ago

@yatznet: Thanks for the debug output, that's way more informative.

So it's the MySQL DB that's the issue... Here's how my db array looks like:

'db' => array(
    'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=tpbt',
    'username' => 'openbay',
    'password' => 'AcSxMV4AEpKFEWK5',
    'schemaCachingDuration' => '86400',
    'charset' => 'utf8',
    'enableProfiling' => true

Did you remember to change the value of port=? It's 443 by default.

yatznet commented 9 years ago

once again it appears we got identical settings 'db' => array( 'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=tpbt', 'username' => 'openbay', 'password' => 'AcSxMV4AEpKFEWK5', 'schemaCachingDuration' => '86400', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'enableProfiling' => true ),

im suddenly wondering if it has anything to do with me being behind cloudflare

yatznet commented 9 years ago

besides if it has anything to do with the database this page wouldn't work

Lacedaemon commented 9 years ago


im suddenly wondering if it has anything to do with me being behind cloudflare

That could be it, although at this point I'm out of ideas. I'm as new to this as you are.

yatznet commented 9 years ago

i'll try it without cloudflare and get back to u once nameservers update

Lacedaemon commented 9 years ago


TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@Lacedaemon @yatznet Cloudflare doesn't affect connections with the script, are you using a shared hosting or a vps/dedicated server? BTW it has to be with sphinx as the script connects to sphinx like it would connect to mysql. Now if your in a shared hosting it might be the hosting blocking the connection since its not a normal port you would connect to so you have to try to contact them, if you are in a vps or dedicated server then try to disable iptables (TEMPORARLY) and try again :)

yatznet commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL your right it has nothing todo with cloudflare i've disabled it and it still doesn't work. and yes im on shared hosting. so let me see if i understand you. are you saying i should contact my hosting and ask them to allow access via port 9306?

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@yatznet Yes you should tell them to allow incoming and outgoing conections on port 9306

yatznet commented 9 years ago

i've opened up a ticket with my host but im almost certain there going to tell me they can only open outbound. fingers crossed

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL Is your hosting still up ? i mean db and search. Suddely none of my boxes works ... find not torrents i mean. They are: and both set up to use your hosted search and db.

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@wacgyver It seems it was some kind of bug.... seems to be working now :)

TheChiefCoC commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL Great work you are doing there bro :) you should open a GitHub repository and make a modified version of OpenBay that works :smile:

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@TheChiefCoC Wish i knew how to work with github :P

TheChiefCoC commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL I can help you with that :)

yatznet commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL it took like 5 days but my host finally got back to me and has agreed to open the 9306 port for outgoing only. not incoming. luckily for me the site works fine with just outgoing.thank you for all your support :)

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@yatznet Your welcome :)

samuel9554 commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL I see you have solved the issue with the age of the torrent in /recent can you help us solve this issue.

Thank you for your public database

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@samuel9554 I will try to help you in any way but whats the problem? :)

samuel9554 commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL Go check those picture you will understand. This is my website : This is your website : I will very appreciate if you tell me how you fix that. Thank you

nitmir commented 9 years ago

Maybe a timezone issue Beeing on UTC+1 the minimal age is 1 hour