isohuntto / openbay

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Does openbay hosted installation work at all? #144

Open wacgyver opened 9 years ago

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

I cant seem to get this working. 1st i want to setup Openbay without db locally, just to make it simple and verify i can actually get it to work. This is supposed to be a matter of copying files to the hosting folder, give the sufficient permissions on the files and folders, open the installer page, type a name for the page and hit deploy. Then as far as i understand it should be up & running, not hosting anything, but simply act as a front end UI for a search being relayed to isohunt servers. And this process should take less than an hour. Am i fundamentally misunderstanding something here?

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

I have seen it describes similar to this earlier.. For instance here is a video showing a simple setup .. unsure if it may be hoax, but why should it need to be any more complicated really?

I have tried to put the files in several ways, but it does not work any way. The site is being set up when i hit deploy, but the search does not work.

Instead i get this message "Not Found

The requested URL /src/www/search was not found on this server.

Apache/2.4.10 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80"

What am i doing wrong here... Please someone help if you have any idea.

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

It seems nobody are getting this right ... look at
.. does not work

What the hell, this hosted solution should really be super simple to set up. Have they made it stupidly complicated or what the hell is going on here

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

And for the record ive been trying to set this up on 2x virtual machines in Virtualbox, hosted on Win7. The network adaptes are set up as bridge, ie they get an ip directly from the physical router in the network, and everything else seems to work just fine. Just not Openbay. Enlighten me ..

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago works perfectly fine (my website) i setup my own database and my own sphinx daemon and it works "perfecly" (sometimes very slow cuz of the ammout of traffic every once in a while is insane) I also setup my own public database if you are interested in using it!

iShariefi commented 9 years ago

Check my site in a subdomain.. Had it in this stage more than a month ago and waiting for a solution for setting up sphinx and everything else on a C panel ever since. Can you help me do that?

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@iShariefi Do you have direct root access to the server? Also if you can't be bothered you can also use my public database i created.

iShariefi commented 9 years ago

Yes, I do have root access. Can you please suggest which solution will be best for me as I'm an iOS developer and my Web Development knowledge is minimal...

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

If you have a good enough server you can easily setup sphinx daemon with a few commands, also if you need a database you can use this one (download it and import it to mysql) also what operating system is your server on?

iShariefi commented 9 years ago

Actually till now, I've done everything on Cpanel through Filezilla, so obviously its a linux server and I'm on a mac running on Yosemite. Please bear my ignorance in this, this is my 1st php project...

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@iShariefi Yes but is it CentOS or Ubuntu or Debian or anything else?

iShariefi commented 9 years ago

Actually I'm planning to get a non-US hosting within a couple of days because this website is hosted on godaddy n as soon as i've a i upload the db, I guess they'll ban my account and I tried to find out the OS, but no luck... From your previous comments, now I know that it works. So now i'll be getting the hosting tonight.. 😊

TheChiefCoC commented 9 years ago

openbay does work but the installtion manual is highly faulty . it took us time to figure out a workin one :

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

@TheChiefCoC Humm seems to work great! Is there any way you could make a short and functional manual for setting up a remote hosted openbay (simplest setup, no db, ill try that later when the first one works)? Id really appreciate i a lot if you could. And id share it with everyone of course

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

Fyi i get the "Not Found The requested URL /src/www/search was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.10 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80" whatever i do. Also when using www as the root folder and protected stored one level up. All permissions given (777). What the hell is my problem .... i think i just need a little clue.. must be some little thing i havent thaught about. Does it need anything like DNS or static ip or anything like that? Or .. why would it... how could it possibly be made to need anything except open port from the ISP and a working internet connection ... i dont get it. Besides, such a problem should not yield the error im getting.. I think. Does it not seem to indicate a local problem?

ghost commented 9 years ago

@wacgyver what are your vps/dedi specs ? I could help install it for you, email me ekoice at gmail dot com

ofcourse, I need root access to your vps/dedi. cheers.

p.s. and yes, i got a working copy for a dude asking me to setup it at using clean db with rss updater, so the torrents are freshly crawled from kickass.

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

Ok! Ill call you later :) Mail i mean. Thanks a lot, i really appreciate that. I did get it running on one machine, with Ubuntu. I had to change AllowOverride from None to All <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Require all granted

Allthough my debian box come up with internal error when i changed that setting. I still dont know why, tried several times, no type or any thing like that. Maybe a double setting somewhere, but not sure..

And i want to set up my own hosting now that this worked

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

adress for the working one. Remote hosted, not local db or search

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

After success with remote db setup of Openbay, im now trying to set ip up with local sphinxsearch and db. I have made a new db in mysql called "mpb" and configured sphinxsearch. I was getting 404 when searching, (strangely, when searching for only 1 letter, i dont get an error but neither does it list any torrents). So i turned on debugging in the \protected\config\debug.php and now im getting this error:


CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2003] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)

/var/www/protected/extensions/ESphinxQL/ESphinxQL.php(297) ...... and a lot more stuff, but the key point i think is failed to open the DB connection

I can telnet to localhost port 3306, and the sql user and pwd is valid. I have also tried to put in sql root pwd in config.php

Id greatly appreciate the helpful people in here! Ill try and return the favor as i learn

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@wacgyver can you please share your sphinx config?

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL Yes here it is! (sphinx conf)

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

You should change:

index opb_common { docinfo = extern charset_type = utf-8 charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, U+410..U+42F->U+430..U+44F, U+430..U+44F


index opb_common { source = opbtorrents path = /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/opb_common docinfo = extern charset_type = utf-8 charset_table = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, a..z, U+410..U+42F->U+430..U+44F, U+430..U+44F

The error your getting is not mysql is actually sphinx but sphinx connections work like mysql.

Then run "indexer --all" (turn Sphinx off first) and paste it on pastebin what it shows when you do that. After you run it turn sphinx on again and check if its working, if its not give me the log that shows when you try to run "indexer --all"

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL Thanks for helping! I tried to follow your guide here but i still get the same error when trying to search or browse.

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL It seems i got an error when starting sphinx again. But im not allways getting that error, only sometimes .. Here i didnt get it. But searching still does not work.

root@tpbdebian:/etc/sphinxsearch# /etc/init.d/sphinxsearch stop Stopping sphinxsearch: sphinxsearch. root@tpbdebian:/etc/sphinxsearch# /etc/init.d/sphinxsearch restart Restarting sphinxsearch: Sphinx 2.0.4-release (r3135) Copyright (c) 2001-2012, Andrew Aksyonoff Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Sphinx Technologies Inc (

using config file '/etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf'... WARNING: compat_sphinxql_magics=1 is deprecated; please update your application and config WARNING: preopen_indexes=1 has no effect with seamless_rotate=0 listening on all interfaces, port=3312 listening on all interfaces, port=9306 precaching index 'opb_common' precaching index 'opbtorrents' precached 2 indexes in 0.013 sec sphinxsearch. root@tpbdebian:/etc/sphinxsearch#

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

should there be a file called opb_common only? I have no such file, but i have a lot of files starting with that:

root@tpbdebian:/etc/sphinxsearch# ls /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/opb_common/ ls: cannot access /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/opb_common/: No such file or directory root@tpbdebian:/etc/sphinxsearch# ls /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data opb_common.spk opbtorrents2.spk opb_common.spd opb_common.spm opbtorrents2.spd opbtorrents2.spm opb_common.sph opb_common.spp opbtorrents2.sph opbtorrents2.spp opb_common.spi opb_common.sps opbtorrents2.spi opbtorrents2.sps root@tpbdebian:/etc/sphinxsearch#

TheChiefCoC commented 9 years ago

@wacgyver download the latest version of sphinxsearch from :

TheChiefCoC commented 9 years ago

There isn't a way to apt-get it , but you can download it by : wget (link here) And then run the command : dpkg -i (name of file).deb

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

I have uninstalled sphinxsearch 204 and installed 227 from the deb package i got from

I think this says that i have version 227 ?

any used the config changes i got from @TPBT-OFFICIAL earlier in this thread.

Anyway, im still getting the same error message as i got before: CDbException

CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2003] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

@TheChiefCoC I can give you root access if you wouldnt mind helping me out here. But at the same time id really like to see for myself what the problem is in order to learn more. Could we both connect to the box at the same time so that i can look at what you do ? We could both login via ssh and one of us create a 'screen', and the other one connects to the screen (screen supports multipe connections at the same time)

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

@TheChiefCoC Can i PM you the address and password? Or maybe mail ? What was your mail again?

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

Is this a problem? My sphinx is configured to this port

root@tpbdebian:/etc/apache2# telnet 9306 Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused root@tpbdebian:/etc/apache2#

../sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf searchd { listen = 3312 listen = 9306:mysql41 listen = 9306

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

My sphinxsearch is not running. It doesent say anything suspicious when restarting the service, but it seems to terminate right away.

root@tpbdebian:/etc/apache2# service sphinxsearch stop Stopping sphinxsearch: already stopped. root@tpbdebian:/etc/apache2# service sphinxsearch start Starting sphinxsearch: Sphinx 2.2.7-id64-release (r4883) Copyright (c) 2001-2015, Andrew Aksyonoff Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Sphinx Technologies Inc (

using config file '/etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf'... WARNING: preopen_indexes=1 has no effect with seamless_rotate=0 listening on all interfaces, port=3312 listening on all interfaces, port=9306 precaching index 'opb_common' precaching index 'opbtorrents' precached 2 indexes in 0.026 sec ERROR. root@tpbdebian:/etc/apache2# service sphinxsearch stop Stopping sphinxsearch: already stopped. root@tpbdebian:/etc/apache2#

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

root@tpbdebian:/etc/apache2# ps -aux | grep -i sphinx warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See root 31872 0.0 0.1 3556 812 pts/1 S+ 09:57 0:00 grep -i sphinx root@tpbdebian:/etc/apache2#

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

using config file '/etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf'... WARNING: preopen_indexes=1 has no effect with seamless_rotate=0 listening on all interfaces, port=3312 listening on all interfaces, port=9306 precaching index 'opb_common' precaching index 'opbtorrents' precached 2 indexes in 0.033 sec ERROR. root@tpbdebian:/etc/apache2#

wacgyver commented 9 years ago

I think that error in the end is my main problem. I read in this thread that youre supposed to have to import the database first.. but i dont get that, since there is 5 torrents in the db allready. Shoudnt that work? Im not interested in importing a lot of data before it works with the 5 torrent testing db that it ships with

TPBT-OFFICIAL commented 9 years ago

@wacgyver no that database is fine i once got that error on my ubuntu server but i never got it fixed i ended up just installing it in CentOS as it was much simpler with no problems for me.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@TPBT-OFFICIAL where can i get the whole DB tpb ? looks like is down atm.
