isomorphic-git / lightning-fs

A lean and fast 'fs' for the browser
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How to check if directory exists at all? #21

Closed kornerr closed 3 years ago

kornerr commented 4 years ago


There are mkdir, readdir, but the docs don't mention any way to check if directory exists. Is there such a function?


100ideas commented 4 years ago

Here's an example:

This code hooks lightning-fs up to a jquery file-browser plugin so ignore those parts.


    var fs = new LightningFS('fs').promises;
    // facade for RPC service used for editor
    const service = {
        is_writable: function() {
            return Promise.resolve(true);
        file: function(path) {
            return fs.readFile(path, 'utf8');
        filemtime: async function(path) {
            const stat = await fs.stat(path);
            return stat && stat.mtimeMs;
        file_exists: async function(path) {
            try {
                await fs.stat(path);
                return true;
            } catch(e) {
                return false;
        save: function(path, content) {
            return fs.writeFile(path, content);
    var browser = $('<div/>').dialog({
        width: 600,
        height: 480
        root: '/',
        separator: '/',
        contextmenu: true,
        menu: function(type) {
            if (type == 'li') {
                return {
                    'delete': function($li) {
                        alert(`delete "${ $li.text() }"`);
            }  else {
                return true;
        dir: async function(path) {
            var names = await fs.readdir(path);
            var result = {files:[], dirs: []};
            for (let name of names) {
                const stat = await fs.stat(path + '/' + name);
                if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
                } else {
            return result;
        exists: async function(path) {
            try {
                return await fs.stat(path);
            } catch (e) {
                return false;
billiegoose commented 4 years ago

Yup! Basically what @100ideas said. Here's the version I use in isomorphic-git

And yeah. Kinda annoying right, because there's a try/catch and everything? But then I looked at the source code for Node's fs.exists and yeah, it turns out that's how it's done.

At least until recently. It looks like ~2 years ago Node fs.exists switched from using stat under the hood to using access. I'm not sure how the new one works.

In theory, a native implementation of exists that doesn't throw an Error and immediately catch it might be ever-so-slightly faster. Not sure what the overhead of creating an Error object is... it can be "expensive" because it creates a stack trace - although I think most browsers compute the stack trace only if needed nowadays. Hmm.