isontheline /

iOS / iPadOS / macOS SSH Client
MIT License
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Checking roles for stored servers with the same hostname #1106

Closed casaschi closed 2 months ago

casaschi commented 2 months ago

Bug description

in my list of stored servers, I have two entries with the same hostname, for example

I have other servers configured with the SSH role only and tapping those the app does not offer an SFTP option, what makes the error case unique is the other server stored with the same hostname and both roles.


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem

Steps to reproduce

  1. Error is thrown
isontheline commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reaching me out @casaschi 🙏

Does saving (top right button) the second connection again (without any change) fix the problem?

casaschi commented 2 months ago

@isontheline no, saving the second connection again does not fix the problem.

isontheline commented 2 months ago

On the bad behaviour connection, does only one role is showed on screen?

isontheline commented 2 months ago

What's about the icon on the list? When SSH only it should be this one :

casaschi commented 2 months ago

The Roles on the connection details only shows SSH: 2

The icon on the list instead shows a server, same as the connections with both SSH and SFTP roles enabled: 1

Also, the SSH only connection does not show in the SFTP tab of the list of connections.

casaschi commented 2 months ago

If that matters, I assigned similar labels to the connections:

isontheline commented 2 months ago

I will check on my side why the icon shows as "SSH/SFTP" instead of SSH only :


It should explain the bug I will come back to you tonight

casaschi commented 2 months ago

Thanks, take your time. It's just a minor bug, the app is perfectly functional despite this.

Thanks for an excellent app!

casaschi commented 2 months ago

I should have mentioned, I'm using webssh on iOS, both app and operating system at the latest version.

isontheline commented 2 months ago

Could you make these steps please?

  1. Edit the connection
  2. Choose both roles
  3. Save the connection
  4. Edit the connection
  5. Choose only SSH
  6. Save the connection

It should fix the bug in database.

I'm pushing a fix to prevent it

casaschi commented 2 months ago

Your fix worked!


isontheline commented 2 months ago

Many thanks for your feedback and your support about WebSSH 🙏