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Annoying gray background in mutt #932

Open nutilius opened 1 year ago

nutilius commented 1 year ago

Bug description

When mutt client has settings like color normal white black what means 'display white characters on black background' terminal display white characters on grey background (but only to the end of printed line, the rest is black).

I've seen this on Linux and NetBSD.



Steps to reproduce

  1. Start mutt without configuration file - make sure that something is in the mailbox and will be presented in mutt index.
  2. Entries should be presented as white on black characters
  3. Set command - press : (colon) and in command line type color normal white black
  4. Entries in index will change background to gray.
isontheline commented 1 year ago

Hello @nutilius 👋

Thank you so much for these reproduce steps 🙏

I will try to find the root cause inside WebSSH or the xterm.js library

Have a nice day ☀️

isontheline commented 1 year ago

I've followed your steps but I'm not able to reproduce :

nutilius commented 1 year ago

But I see gray background, not black, why? I've observed the effect with pure black background.

isontheline commented 1 year ago

When I put red background color it applied as expected.

I think black is default color and as I use gray as my terminal bg color it display as black.

Have you tried to change your terminal BG color to black instead of gray?

nutilius commented 1 year ago

I think it is the difference. I have by default black background. My session after connection looks like below:

Zrzut ekranu 2023-07-6 o 11 04 30

After running mutt (without any settings in muttrc) I see something like this:

Zrzut ekranu 2023-07-6 o 11 01 22

As you see lines are filled with gray background in place where characters were put on the screen. Because in your settings gray is default backgroun (what I always change to black), I suspect, that you leave somewere your "default gray" color, not default color set by user.

nutilius commented 1 year ago

The settings for session:

Zrzut ekranu 2023-07-6 o 11 13 31
nutilius commented 1 year ago

One thing yet - when I change background to f.ex. green, I see the same efect on entries in mutt:

Zrzut ekranu 2023-07-6 o 11 16 52

so definitly the gray color is "fixed" in some place.

isontheline commented 1 year ago

You're right seems to be fixed but I think it's more related to xterm.js library. I'm checking if I can customise a setting.

isontheline commented 1 year ago

I don't have found, yet

I also need to upgrade Xterm.js but I don't know if it will resolve.

isontheline commented 1 year ago

I will upgrade Xterm.js to 5.2 due to :

isontheline commented 1 year ago

A new WebSSH release will come in a few hours.

I hope it will fix this issue due to

isontheline commented 1 year ago

Hello @nutilius 👋

Could you try to change TERM type to « xterm-color » inside your connection > Terminal Settings ?

Thank you

nutilius commented 1 year ago

I've changed to xterm-color and even to xterm - nothing changed. But remember that I still test on last available version - 22.4.1127 - generated 10-07-2023

isontheline commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your feedback @nutilius

Could you try WebSSH 23.0 beta available on TestFlight please ?

nutilius commented 1 year ago


nutilius commented 1 year ago

Feedback sent via TestFlight - unfortunately problem still exists.

isontheline commented 1 year ago

What’s the output of :

echo $TERM

nutilius commented 1 year ago

For terminal type XTERM-COLOR is (of course) xterm-color (small letters). For terminal type XTERM-256COLOR is xterm-256color (small letters).

isontheline commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing screenshots on TestFlight feedback'

With "xterm-color" the result is better but still have a non-black color as you said