isouravgope / spotify-adblock-linux

script for installing spotify-adblock for ubuntu and popOS based machines
58 stars 16 forks source link

scan 10TB /home, just for fun? #6

Open mastir opened 1 year ago

mastir commented 1 year ago

Thanks for script

+ works
- scans 2 times full hdd raid, for no any reason
- potential fuckup if file/folder with such name already exists somewhere

How to fix? simple. 1) DO NOT SCAN! You download file? Give it a name!

wget -O $debfile

2) DO NOT SCAN! You download folder? Give it a name!

git clone -b main $spotifyextra
cd $spotifyextra

3) there is no real reason to use home or Downloads (this folder has different name in other locales) or any other potentialy non existant folder, use cwd (wich is ~/Downloads by default if user run this file directly after download) Just remove:

cd ~
cd ~/Downloads
reidsneo commented 1 year ago

ahaaha this is funny to read, finally someone notice the joke

isouravgope commented 1 year ago

you guys are having 10TB of /home, i almost got a mini heartattack, on a serious note i will do as you have instructed.

reidsneo commented 1 year ago

What the context :

  1. despite of find the filename by scanning, use direct path instead
  2. the path using home personal directory is not recommended we can use an public available path like /tmp