isovector / haskell-language-server

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User-curated list of functions in scope #6

Open isovector opened 3 years ago

isovector commented 3 years ago

Let users decide which functions are in scope when running auto.

Maybe we could use a module level annotation with TH names?

isovector commented 3 years ago

from bgamari:

module Plugin where

#if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0)
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
import GHC.ThToHs (convertToHsExpr)
import GHC.Types.Basic (Origin(..))
import GHC.Utils.Error (MsgDoc)
#elif MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,10,0)
import TcRnMonad as GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
import GHC.ThToHs (convertToHsExpr)
import RnEnv (lookupOccRn)
import Plugins (Plugin)
import BasicTypes (Origin(..))
import ErrUtils (MsgDoc)
import TcEnv (tcLookupId)
import Annotations

import GHC
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH

resolveTHName :: TypecheckedModule -> TH.Name -> RealSrcSpan -> Ghc (Maybe Id)
resolveTHName tcm th_name src_span = do
  hsc_env <- getSession
  let (gbl_env, _) = tm_internals_ tcm
  (msgs, mb_id) <- liftIO $ GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad.initTcWithGbl hsc_env gbl_env src_span $ do
    Right rdr <- pure $ cvtName FromSource undefined th_name
    name <- lookupOccRn (unLoc rdr)
    tcLookupId (unLoc name)
  return mb_id

cvtName :: Origin -> SrcSpan -> TH.Name -> Either MsgDoc (Located GHC.RdrName)
cvtName origin span v =
  fmap (f . unLoc) (convertToHsExpr origin span (VarE v))
      f (HsVar _ v') = v'
      f _ = error "this shouldn't happen"
googleson78 commented 3 years ago

Inspiration could also be taken from Tritlos work - e.g. writing names in holes (this is also how you "add names to scope" for Agdas auto)?

Also this mr -, which is unfortunately not ready yet.

Tritlo commented 2 years ago

Inspiration could also be taken from Tritlos work - e.g. writing names in holes (this is also how you "add names to scope" for Agdas auto)?

Also this mr -, which is unfortunately not ready yet.

Yes! Unfortunately, that MR requires a change in syntax, which means going through the whole GHC proposal process first. Though I've since worked on hole-fit plugins and now have a running use case, so I'll pick this thread up again soon!