isovic / racon

Ultrafast consensus module for raw de novo genome assembly of long uncorrected reads. Note: This was the original repository which will no longer be officially maintained. Please use the new official repository here:
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out of memory and not producing output #204

Open dcopetti opened 2 years ago

dcopetti commented 2 years ago

Hello, I would like to use racon to error-correct chloroplast (a subset of all reads, made by aligning all reads to the assembly containing cp contigs) PacBio CLR reads and I keep running out of memory. The reads are about 221,000, spanning 3.7 Gb. I aligned them to themselves minimap2 -x ava-pb -t 124 -H -X ../subreads.fa ../subreads.fa >SGP5p_cp_ava.paf obtaining a paf file of 779 GB. I run racon as follows: srun -c 100 racon -f -t 100 ../subreads.fa ../subreads.fa on a cluster with nodes of 1 TB memory and 256 CPUs (with or without slurm does not matter), and the job gets killed after several hours without writing anything. Thinking there are too many reads and alignments, I made subsets of 100,000 and 50,000 subreads. The former produced a paf file of 186 GB, the latter of only 53 GB. The job with 100,00 went a bit more further than the first but still died with this message:

[racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded target sequences 8.052987 s
[racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded sequences 8.733178 s
[racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded overlaps 3075.373771 s
srun: error: EagI: task 0: Killedgning overlaps [===================>] 72227.005454 s
srun: Force Terminated job step 16095.0

I am now running the job with 50,000 sequences. I wonder why it keeps dying and how 1 TB is not sufficient for loading that data. How can I error correct my reads? Would it make sense to split the input in e.g. 5 smaller files and align each to the whole set of reads independently? this may create smaller paf files. Also, I don't think that having shorter headers may help, when loading a 180 GB file still uses 1 TB memory. Looking forward to hearing your opinion, Dario

rvaser commented 2 years ago

Hi Dario, in error-correction Racon uses all found overlaps/alignments. I suspect that due to repetitive regions the memory just explodes as many reads have too many overlaps. Not sure what you can do about it except correcting small batches with all reads (first 1/n reads with all n, second 1/n reads with all n, etc).

Best regards, Robert

dcopetti commented 2 years ago

Thanks Robert, It makes sense. Do you think that maybe reducing the number of alignments from the paf file would work? How about removing short alignments (e.g. less than a third of query length), that should be mostly aspecific?

rvaser commented 2 years ago

I guess it should help. You could also filter the paf file by allowing only N longest overlaps per read (e.g. 25?). Unfortunately, those filters need to be done outside Racon as it is now.