ispyb / ispyb-database-modeling

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Measure marked sample #13

Open stufisher opened 7 years ago

stufisher commented 7 years ago

I would like to re-propose a table to extend our LIMS system, allowing us to measure crystals in plate view. We had previously submitted this to the mailing list and had a response that it was not useful for ESRF. I would like to move forward with the UI for this. @karllevik does this match your scripts?

blsampleimagemeasurementid autoinc pk
blsampleimageid fk blsampleimageid
blsubsampleid fk subsampleid
bltimestamp timestamp
startPosX double,
startPosY double,
startPosZ double, – ?
endPosX double,
endPosY double,
endPosZ double, – ?