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Add a new field in BLSession table to handle nb of reimbursed dewars #21

Closed delageniere closed 6 years ago

delageniere commented 6 years ago

At ESRF we are asked to track in ISPyB the number of reimbursed dewars authorized in the User Portal software. Therefore we will need an extra field in BLSession table: nbReimbursedDewars

This number will be defined in the User Portal according to the type of experiment, to the nb of reimbursed users and to a maximum possible. This number is linked to a session and can change between 2 sessions of the same proposal (currently between 0 and 4).

delageniere commented 6 years ago

We will have also to add a new field in Dewar, to mark the Dewar/Parcel/Box as reimbursed. isReimbursed tinyInt

KarlLevik commented 6 years ago

We've discussed this briefly at Diamond. We don't have any objections to adding it, so feel free to go ahead.

delageniere commented 6 years ago
