isra00 / neo-transposer

Automatically transpose the chords of the songs of the Neocatechumenal Way so that they fit your voice range. Available in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, English and Swahili!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
10 stars 1 forks source link

Medir la mejoría a partir de #152 #156

Closed isra00 closed 2 years ago

isra00 commented 3 years ago

En admin dashboard > performance by voice type, añadir perfomance de female_high a partir del 2021-08-17

isra00 commented 3 years ago

Hell yeah!


Volver a medir en un mes

isra00 commented 2 years ago
SELECT user.wizard_step1 AS voiceType, count(*) AS fbs, sum(worked) / count(*) AS performance
FROM `transposition_feedback`
JOIN user USING (id_user)
WHERE register_time > '2021-08-16'
GROUP BY user.wizard_step1

A 21/sep/2021:


isra00 commented 2 years ago

A 17/oct female_high sigue en 0.91 🎊🎉