isra00 / neo-transposer

Automatically transpose the chords of the songs of the Neocatechumenal Way so that they fit your voice range. Available in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, English and Swahili!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[UX] Should we auto-scroll on Quick search? #160

Open isra00 opened 3 years ago

isra00 commented 3 years ago

On input search focus, the auto-scroll might feel uncomfortable, though it seems a common pattern in web interfaces (verify this).

Besides, on Firefox/Android after scrolling up it scrolls down again (see video in my phone). This does not happen on Chrome/Android. Try on desktop. This could happen because of rolling up the keyboard and the viewport resizing that Firefox performs subsequently.

If the results are so few (or none) that the total height of the page contents is smaller than the viewport height, then browser suddenly scrolls up, causing another weird jump.
