israellot / esp-ginx

HTTP server for the ESP8266
MIT License
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BUG report #18

Open PudgeMa opened 6 years ago

PudgeMa commented 6 years ago

http_process.c http_connection * http_process_find_connection(void *arg)

this function find http_connection by arg that comes from *espconn__callback. it works by comparing arg with http_connection.espConnection in connection_poll. However, in esp8266_non_os_sdk_api_reference_cn.pdf**

Parameter arg of callback is the pointer corresponding structure espconn. This pointer may be different in different callbacks, please do not use this pointer directly to distinguish one from another in multiple connections. Use remote_ip and remote_port in espconn instead.

For example, parameter arg in espconn_disconnect_callback and espconn_sent_callback is differrent.