israelroldan / grunt-ssh

SSH, SFTP tasks for Grunt.
MIT License
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Unable to use agentFoward in combination with password #107

Closed nvaken closed 9 years ago

nvaken commented 9 years ago

Using password in combination with agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK and agentForward: true will always result in:

Warning: You must set a valid agent path to allow agent forwarding Use --force to continue.

Sadly, I could not find a workaround to this problem, resulting me in hitting a brick wall since I need password authentication in combination with agent forwarding.

Edit: when using verbose, I am able to see the user agent being passed:

Options: config=false, host="HOST", username="USERNAME", password="PASSWORD", agent="/var/folders/br/n1l7_s9s6p5936ykfl1rrdn40000gn/T//ssh-fykKd3qgAviD/agent.25462", agentForward, port=8081, ignoreErrors=false, minimatch={}, pty={}, suppressRemoteErrors=false, callback=undefined