israpps / PlayStation2-Basic-BootLoader

Basic Bootloader for PS2, PSX-DESR and System 246/256
GNU General Public License v3.0
71 stars 8 forks source link

PS2BBL as MBR bootstrap #37

Open israpps opened 7 months ago

israpps commented 7 months ago

Current KELFBinder approach for HDD exploit:

flowchart TD
A[OSDSYS] ---> B["MBR BOOTSTRAP (taken from FreeHdBoot)"]

B --- C{HDD Integrity checks}
C ---> |If error found| D[FSCK]
C ---> |If no error found| E[PS2BBL]
E ---> F[(Whatever the user wants to do)]
D --- Z(Tells the user an issue was found and tries to fix it)
Z --- X[tells the user how many issues were found and how many were fixed]
X --- A

With this update

flowchart TD
A[OSDSYS] ---> B["MBR Bootstrap (PS2BBL"]
B --- C{HDD Integrity checks}
C --- |if error found| D("tell the user and wait 5 seconds")
C --- |If no error found| E[(Whatever the user wants to do)]
D ---E