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Cfp SASO Workshops #2

Closed Alexander-Schiendorfer closed 7 years ago

Alexander-Schiendorfer commented 7 years ago

Hi Alexander,

did you have a chance to add the CfP for SASO^ST to the webpage yet?

I have received another CfP (QA4SASO) in the meantime. Can I ask you to add this as well?

Thank you for your help! Let me know in case you have any questions.

Regards, Christopher

-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Publication of 'Accepted workshops' call for contributions Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2017 00:34:05 +1300 From: Christopher Frantz To: Alexander Schiendorfer

Dear Alexander,

We want to start promoting workshops that have already been accepted. Could you add the following call for contributions to the workshop page as an accepted workshop (In the original call I sent you the link to 'Accepted Workshops' was commented).

I have attached the first call I have received from the organisers of SASO^ST.

We will probably have a few further submissions soon, but I cannot control when they 'trickle in', but send them as soon as they arrive. Sorry for this inconvenience.

By the way, would you happen to know the web chair for the (the umbrella organisation of SASO and ICCAC)? We plan to advertise there as well, but I couldn't find any contact information as of yet.

Thank you for your help!

Best wishes, Christopher

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Hi Alexander,

Please also add the eCAS workshop information as well, as per

Let me know in case prefer a text or extracted html version, so I could enquire from the organisers.

So, as of now, we have three accepted workshops: SASO^ST, QA4SASO, eCAS

Thanks, Christopher

Alexander-Schiendorfer commented 7 years ago

Please just reopen this issue as soon as other CfPs come in.

Best, Alex

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Hi Alexander,

Could you please update the CfP for the SASO^ST workshop with the CfP you find attached. (The file is zipped, since github does not permit html attachments.)

Thank you!

Best regards, Christopher

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Dear Alexander,

we have yet another workshop to be added to website. Please see the content below. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

Regards, Christopher

The 3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems (DSS 2017)

The emergence of pervasive and ubiquitous technologies together with social media has resulted in unprecedented opportunities to reason about the complexity of our society based on magnitudes of data. Embedded ICT technologies mandate the functionality and operations of several techno-socio-economic systems such as traffic systems, transportation systems, Smart Grids, power/gas/water networks, etc. It is estimated that over 50 billion connected smart devices will be online by the year 2020. Moreover, social media provide invaluable insights about the complexity of social interactions and how these interactions influence the sustainability of several ICT-enabled techno-socio-economic systems. These observations show that regulating online the complex systems of our nowadays digital society is a grand challenge. Regulation concerns trade-offs such as the alignment of technical requirements, e.g. robustness, fault-tolerance, safety and security, with social or environmental requirements, for instance, fairness in the utilization of energy resources. The scale of nowadays data cannot tackle the challenge by itself as data may convey ungrounded correlations and biased predictions. Smart, autonomic and self- regulating mechanisms are required for filtering data streams in real-time and transform them to valuable information based on which intelligent adaptive decisions can be made in a decentralized fashion under a plethora of operational scenarios.

The aim of the 3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems is to foster interactions between researchers of different disciplines working on challenges about the self- organization and self-adaptation of complex techno-socio-economic systems. It also aims to promote communication and exchange of ideas between academia and industry. The workshop will run for a full day and will include (i) keynote speakers, (ii) presentation of papers and (iii) a panel discussion. Panelist may include distinguished researchers who participate in the international research hubs of several international projects such as Nervousnet, SoBigData, ASSET, etc.


self-regulation social computing autonomic computing Internet of Things pervasive/ubiquitous computing big data analytics cloud computing online policy-making distributed systems multi-agent systems peer-to-peer systems self-organization adaptive mechanisms complex systems & (social) networks mechanism design & game theory

Submission Instructions

You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works on above and other topics related to self-regulating systems. Submitted papers must not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Please, indicate clearly the corresponding authors and include up to 6 keywords and an abstract of no more than 400 words. Submissions have to be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide and not exceeding 6 two-column pages. Papers are submitted as PDF files via the Easychair: Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance, contributions, technical clarity and presentation. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be registered and presented at the workshop. Workshop proceedings will be published in IEEE Computer Society’s Conference Publishing Services.

Authors of distinguished workshop papers may be invited to extend their workshop papers for their possible publication in a special issue of an international journal.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: July 17, 2017 Authors notification: July 30, 2017 Final manuscript Due: August 4, 2017 Workshop date: September 18, 2017

Workshop Chairs Evangelos Pournaras - ETH Zurich, Switzerland Akshay Uttama Nambi S.N. - TUDelft, The Netherlands Stefan Bosse - University of Bremen, Germany

Workshop Website

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Dear Alexander,

Further minor request: Could you please add an URL to the following workshop (e.g. by making the title a link):

Workshop: Fourth IEEE Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-adaptive, Self-organising Systems (QA4SASO 2017)

Link to website:

Thank you!


PS: There will be one final workshop CfP coming in soon.

Alexander-Schiendorfer commented 7 years ago

Sorry that took so long - I was on vacation and set no auto-reply on github

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Dear Alexander,

Thank you for adding the previous CfP. As mentioned, please find the final CfP to be added to website.

Thank you for your help!

Regards, Christopher


International Workshop on Industrial Self-Coordination (InSeCo 2017)

Smart manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Industrial IoT and smart supply chain management systems are some of the core trends that are reshaping the way manufacturing and businesses operate. These technological developments have the potential to significantly improve automation and information exchange in manufacturing. At the same time, researchers and business practitioners are investigating modular structured smart factories to monitor physical processes and to make decentralised decisions. Smart, Industrial Internet of Things systems provide data, for data-driven self-organizing cyber-physical systems, that communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real time. The Internet of Services, in both, internal and cross-organizational services are offered and used by participants of the value chain. At the same time, technologies such as those offered by the Distributed Ledger technologies, Smart Contracts and the blockchain concept provide mechanisms for coordination and trust without the need for Trusted Third Parties. In this workshop we combine broader concepts related to value chains, supply management and manufacturing, with the focus on the blockchain and other emerging technologies for decentralised coordination in the cyber-physical realm.

Submission Guidelines

The organisers welcome the submission of short papers not exceeding 6 two-column pages in the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style. We solicit both original research papers as well as position papers. The submissions need to be previously unpublished and currently not under review elsewhere. Furthermore, we encourage the submission of proposals for talks that present previously published work of special interest to the workshop community. Position statements encouraging discussions on the workshop's topics are also welcome. These proposals should also adhere to the two-column IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style, not exceeding two pages. The workshop provides an excellent opportunity to discuss and share research results with a wider audience in an interdisciplinary environment.

Papers are submitted as PDF files via Easychair: Each submission will be peer-reviewed by two programme committee members in a single-blind process. The decision will be based on the motivation of the research, the clarity of the contribution and the relevance of the research to the domain of self-adaptive and self-organising socio-technical systems. In particular, submissions that promise to fuel discussions, which bring together results and issues from different disciplines and which thus contribute to the strengthening of an interdisciplinary community, will be given preference.

List of Topics

Intelligent, reconfigurable, flexible, or automated manufacturing systems
The use of self-* principles in manufacturing
Agent-based and multi-agent systems for manufacturing
Socio-technical aspects of manufacturing systems
Autonomic supply chain systems
Sustainable economies through self-* principles
Conceptual frameworks, architectures, and control concepts for self-* manufacturing systems
Practical or theoretical models and decision-making support methods for self-learning, context-awareness, and self-* principles in manufacturing systems
Visions and future trends of self-* manufacturing systems
Cloud manufacturing
Blockchain technologies
Digital currencies, digital token systems
Smart contracts
Autonomous Organisations and Autonomous Institutions
Decentralised governance and decision making models
Distributed and self-organizing coordination

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 7th July, 2017 Authors notification: 21st July, 2017 Final manuscript due: 4th August, 2017

Workshop Chairs

David Sanderson - University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Mariusz Nowostawski - Norwegian University of Technology, Norway


Accepted papers will be published bundled with the main conference proceedings by IEEE Computer Society Press and will be submitted for indexing.


The workshop is co-located with SASO 2017, held on the campus of the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.


For workshop-related inquiries please contact any of the organizers.

Workshop Website

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Dear Alexander,

Ada found a formatting glitch: the title abbrevation of the SASO^ST workshop reads SASOST. It would be great if you could adjust this (preferably using superscript).

Thanks, Christopher

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Hi Alexander,

Two minor items:

  1. A refinement request: one of the workshop chairs for DSS (Akshay) has changed his affiliation. It should now read

Akshay Uttama Nambi S.N. - Microsoft Research Lab India

  1. Could you upload the attached CfPs and link them from the corresponding workshops, please?

QA4SASO-2017-CfP.pdf DSS-2017-CfP.pdf

Thanks, Christopher

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Hi Alexander,

attached please find the CfP for the final workshop (SISSY). Please link the title to the workshop website ( as done with the previous calls.

Thank you!

Regards, Christopher


4th International Workshop on Self-Improving System Integration (SISSY 2017)

Information and communication technology (ICT) pervades every aspect of our daily lives. This inclusion changes our communities and all of our human interactions. It also presents a significant set of challenges in correctly designing and integrating our resulting technical systems. For instance, the embedding of ICT functionality in more and more devices (such as household appliances or thermostats) leads to novel interconnections and a changing structure of the overall system. Not only technical systems are increasingly coupled, a variety of previously isolated natural and human systems have consolidated into a kind of overall system of systems - an interwoven system structure.

This change of structure is fundamental and affects the whole production cycle of technical systems – standard system integration and testing is not feasible any more. The increasingly complex challenges of developing the right type of modelling, analysis, and infrastructure for designing and maintaining ICT infrastructures has continued to motivate the self-organising, autonomic and organic computing systems community.

In this workshop, we intend to study novel approaches to system of system integration and testing by applying self-* principles; specifically we want approaches that allow for a continual process of self-integration among components and systems that is self-improving and evolving over time towards an optimised and stable solution.

Although research in self-organising systems - such as the Organic Computing (OC) and Autonomic Computing (AC) initiatives - has seen an exciting decade of development, in which there has been considerable success in building individual systems, OC/AC is faced with the difficult challenge of integrating multiple self-organising systems, and integrating self-organising systems with traditionally engineered ones as well as naturally occurring human organisations. Meanwhile, although there has been important development in system of systems methodologies (e.g., Service-oriented Architectures, clouds technology etc.), many of these developments lack scalable methods for rapidly proving that new configurations of components/subsystems are correctly used or their changes verified or that these frameworks have pulled together the best possible context-sensitive configuration of resources for a user or another system.

The SISSY workshop continues the successful predecessors held at IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Systems (SASO14) 2014 in London, UK, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC15) 2015 in Grenobles, France, and at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC16) 2016 in Würzburg, Germany. The workshop intends to focus on the important work of applying self-X principles to the integration of "Interwoven Systems" (where an "Interwoven System" is a system cutting across several technical domains, combining traditionally engineered systems, systems making use of self-X properties and methods, and human systems). The goal of the workshop is to identify key challenges involved in creating self-integrating systems and consider methods to achieve continuous self-improvement for this integration process. The workshop specifically targets an interdisciplinary community of researchers (i.e. from systems engineering, complex adaptive systems, socio-technical systems, and the OC/AC domains) in the hope that collective expertise from a range of domains can be leveraged to drive forward research in the area.

Workshop Organisation

Kirstie Bellman The Aerospace Corporation

Sven Tomforde Universität Kassel, Intelligent Embedded Systems Group

Rolf P. Würtz Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institute for Neural Computation

Please contact Sven Tomforde for all enquiries.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: July 7, 2017 Paper Acceptance Notification: July 21, 2017 Camera-Ready Papers due: July 26, 2017 Workshop: September 18 OR September 22, 2017

Workshop Website:

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Dear Alexander,

Thank you for adding the last workshop! Ada suggested to add an overview of all workshops at the beginning of the page, with links pointing to the corresponding workshop sections further down the page.

Below please find the collated content. You will have a better idea, but it may be good to have the title ('Accepted Workshops') in some larger header font, followed by the list of workshops (with each of those linking to their corresponding anchors further down the page), and ideally followed by some visual separation of list and actual workshop calls.

Suggested structure (with SASO^ST's 'ST' in superscript as with original title):

Accepted Workshops

Fifth International Workshop on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Socio-Technical Systems (SASO^ST 2017)

Fourth IEEE Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-adaptive, Self-organising Systems (QA4SASO 2017)

2nd eCAS Workshop on Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems (ECAS 2017)

3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems (DSS 2017)

International Workshop on Industrial Self-Coordination (InSeCo 2017)

Fourth International Workshop on Self-Improving System Integration (SISSY 2017)

Thank you for your help - and sorry for the late request, especially since you just changed the page!

Thanks, Christopher

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Hi Alexander,

Thank you very much for the overview! Minor question: Is it possible to set the '2017' following SASO^ST entry in the overview table to regular positioning (i.e. not as superscript).

Thanks, Christopher

Alexander-Schiendorfer commented 7 years ago

Sure, sorry, that was an HTML typo

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Looks good. Thank you very much!

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Sorry for opening the issue without any request. We will have some further additions, but it turns out that some of these still require additional review by the organisers.

chrfrantz commented 7 years ago

Hi Alexander,

I finally received the revised material for two further changes:

  1. The DSS workshop organisers solicited a keynote speaker. Ada agreed to advertise him on the SASO keynotes page in a dedicated 'Workshop Keynotes' subsection below the main speakers. Please find the title, abstract, bio and a picture of the speaker below. It would be good to indicate the workshop (3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems (DSS 2017)) the keynote is associated with.

Title: Orchestration of Electrical Power Grid with Transactive Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

Abstract: With the capabilities of dynamic, real-time and networked automation, distributed energy resources (DER) have become one game-changing driving force to transform electrical power systems into flexible, resilient, cost-effective and greener Cyber-Physical System infrastructure. DERs represent suite of smart-grid assets across value-chain of electricity demand-supply: from distributed renewable generation (solar PV, wind) to electricity storage systems (battery, EV) and flexibility, responsive demand (DR). Meanwhile, with all the advantages and benefits, fast growth of DERs also bring many unseen challenges for utilities and system operators due to the complexities caused by the distributed nature of DER and the diversified business, social, economic and operational objectives of DER owner from both sides of demand and supply. Transactive energy (TE), emerged originally as innovative method to balance electrical demand-and-supply with value-based economic/incentive signal, has become one of smart-grid technology standards to manage various system objectives, constraints and uncertainties in a distributed fashion. Combined with advanced technology from IoT and cloud computing, TE provides an ideal distributed and data/information driven platform to manage and orchestrate DER for utilities and grid operator, and even energy users. The objectives of this talk are 1) to give a brief and informative introduction of current trends and challenges of DER and TE, and 2) to introduce how-to and sample use-cases of Transactive Energy technology to manage DER at large internet-scale in the landscape of ever digitized and data-driven network-connected smart energy grid.


Dr. Mark Yao Utopus Insights Spinoff of Smarter Energy, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Dr. Mark G. Yao is a Senior Research and Development member of Utopus Insights. With more than 18 years both industrial and academic experience, Dr. Yao’s research and development work focused on distributed, event-driven and agent-based distributed computing system. He is also a domain expert in networked intelligent sensor & actuator system, Cyber-Physical System (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT). Prior join of Utopus Insights, Dr. Yao was the research scientist and senior software architect at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY. He was the IBM technical lead and solution architect for several join research project sponsored by U.S. government department of energy, including 2010-2015 Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration Project and 2007 Gridwise Olympic Peninsula Gridwise Testbed project. He was the original designer and lead developer of Internet-scale Control System (iCS), a framework for developing agent-based, event-driven and distributed control systems. He won numerous IBM Corporate Awards, Research Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards, Outstanding Innovation Awards. Before his career of industry research, Dr. Yao was adjunct professor and conducted teaching and research in several universities in New York state. Dr. Yao has a Ph.D. in physics, with specialty of photonics & optoelectronics.

Picture: yao

  1. In conjunction with this, we have received an updated CfP for this workshop. Could you please replace the current CfP PDF linked to the DSS workshop (3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems (DSS 2017)) with the attached one?

New version: DSS-2017-CfP.pdf

Thank you!

Best regards, Christopher