isso-comments / isso

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Pingback/TrackBack™/WebMention support and integration #19

Open posativ opened 10 years ago

nogweii commented 7 years ago

Also, supporting WebMention (Tests) would be nice.

mdosch commented 7 years ago

Are there any plans to implement Pingback/TrackBack or are you no more interested in this feature?

mardy commented 4 years ago

I'm also interested in this. Would it be better if this is implemented in isso itself, or in a separate server that would then post the valid webmentions to isso?

Lucas-C commented 4 years ago

I'm also interested. I do not make any promise, but I may give a try at implementing this.

I guess a starting point would be to add /pingback / /webmention endpoints to API.VIEWS in

srijan commented 2 years ago does this for webmentions -> isso (but I've not tried it yet).

ScootRay commented 2 years ago

Is anyone using Bussator? I can't get it installed for some reason. I reached out to the author to see if his code was still viable and haven't heard back.
