isso-comments / isso

a Disqus alternative
MIT License
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wordpress & co ? #88

Closed wilfried18 closed 10 years ago

wilfried18 commented 10 years ago


I wanted to know how to use "Isso" on wordpress? (plugin & co) thank you

posativ commented 10 years ago

The next release includes code to import from WordPress. What do you want more? The integration part is just a few lines of HTML, should not be that hard. I don't use WordPress though.

wilfried18 commented 10 years ago

The ones I want, it's just whether it will soon be the possibiité utility to replace this system (disqus) on wordpress

posativ commented 10 years ago

WordPress already supports comments, no need for Disqus at all.

wilfried18 commented 10 years ago

Yes, but it is the most improved comment system integrated, it is for her that I expected a lot from this web service (isso)

posativ commented 10 years ago

As already said, the integration part is just two lines of HTML. I don't know how WordPress works. If you know WordPress, you can write an extension to enable Isso with one click (for the client integration, you still need to setup the server).

You may also write an extension that handles both, the server part and client integration, but that's definitely out of scope for this project.

wilfried18 commented 10 years ago

I know but I'm not wordpress developer if your answer is enough, 2 line of code when that is what must be done, it's nothing, or puije find this information?

posativ commented 10 years ago

Here's the integration part: – Isso does not enforce a specific template language or blogging platform. You just need to know how to edit your template.

posativ commented 10 years ago

WP import already implemented, integration part is independend from the CMS. Everything else is out of scope. Feel free to create a WordPress plugin to add two lines of HTML to your blog.