issus / altium-library

Open source Altium Database Library with over 200,000 high quality components and full 3d models.
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Cannot connect to library in AD 22.6.1 #101

Closed Mrelectricvideo closed 1 year ago

Mrelectricvideo commented 2 years ago

This I have tried many times in the last few days to access altium-library but without success. Tried to ensure port 1433 was open in Netgear router and Windows 11 64 firewall but have given up and used a :80 version as new login and download to the git folder. Followed all the steps with ports, SQL app etc carefully but no luck. See error message as png.

String (user redacted) is: Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=alib_*;Initial Catalog=altium_library;Data,80;Initial File Name="";Server SPN=""

I really want to use this resource. Does anyone have any thoughts please? David Screenshot 2022-08-03 181951

Mrelectricvideo commented 2 years ago

A few reboots and it seems to work OK now. Odd but it was worth it.

issus commented 1 year ago

@tebbo123 I'm going to delete your comment because the screenshot has a password in it. You may also get this message if you have failed to login multi-times, the system will ban you for 24hrs if you do. Download a new DBLib and try again after a day.