issus / altium-library

Open source Altium Database Library with over 200,000 high quality components and full 3d models.
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ActiveBOM freezes for nearly a minute each time the BOM is refreshed or updated, only if Celestial is installed #98

Open DaleMitchell opened 2 years ago

DaleMitchell commented 2 years ago

This occurs on my computer with the latest version of Altium (22.3.1), I haven't tried other versions, and I'm also running Windows 10. I am running a decently fast computer too (CPU is an Intel i7-10875H).

I realize this might be something that can't be resolved without Altium's support, but still, I was wondering if anyone else was having this issue. Please keep this issue open until other people confirm they do or don't have the same issue on the same Altium version (22.3.1).

adityadrs commented 2 years ago

I think what you are facing is not because there is an issue in Altium, but because the access time for switching from one library to another is quite a lot. This is amplified when you update your ActiveBOM doc as it has to access many different libraries.

PS: at least I face the issue of extended access times when switching from one library (e.g. from Capacitor to resistor). Do you face a similar situation when switching libraries?

mikhailmihalkov commented 1 year ago

Я думаю, что вы столкнулись не с тем, что проблема в Altium, а с тем, что время доступа для переключения с одной библиотеки на другую довольно много. Это усиливается, когда вы обновляете свой документ ActiveBOM, поскольку он должен обращаться ко многим различным библиотекам.

PS: по крайней мере, я сталкиваюсь с проблемой увеличенного времени доступа при переключении с одной библиотеки (например, с конденсатора на резистор). Сталкиваетесь ли вы с подобной ситуацией при переключении библиотек?

The similar situation is all very slow (The second problem I discovered is this conversion from database to integrated... After about 1 hour of conversion, the altium closes regardless of version.... It is possible to convert only by one component name (line from the library)