issy123 / agario-protocol

Protocol for version 2.1.5
8 stars 2 forks source link

Packet 255 > 16 #14

Open xzfc opened 8 years ago

xzfc commented 8 years ago

World update

xzfc commented 8 years ago

This recalls the old 16 (Wolrd Update) packet, but the updates part is different.


Here is my attempt:

20 00 00 00 // packet length
F0 11 // I dunno No.1
10 // 16 == world update opcode

00 00 // cnt_eats == 0

04 E9 3F E9 // cell_id
99 ED FF FF // x_coordinate
98 07 00 00 // y_coordinate
20 00 08 // I dunno No.2
6E 61 6D 65 31 32 33 00 // null-terminated cell name: 'name123'

00 00 00 00 // cell_id == 0

00 00 // cnt_removals == 0

If y_coordinate does not ends with FF FF, then the next few bytes («I dunno No.2») is screwed up or even missing. I don't get it yet.

xzfc commented 8 years ago

Here is more complex message:

It seems that cell structure have following fields:

mb1969 commented 8 years ago

Any news about this?

I'm still looking at the 0xFF header but have no clue? I even saw an 8 byte header.

Whats going on with that packet?

Protocol obfusciation - I don't think so, cause that could be done better Some kind of simple compression - perhaps, would explain your results


xzfc commented 8 years ago

There are interesting research here:

mb1969 commented 8 years ago

@xzfc: Looked promising but now it seems that we have to start from scratch

terjanq commented 8 years ago

Good luck, All we tried to do was starting from scratch. Now since data is encrypted you need updating encrypting key and whats more important figure out algorithm for encrypting. I give up.