Then to run the command (or you can send many at once, currently it is named LedCommand but I will rename it to LedDeviceCommand to be more consistent):
IOManager.Write(DeviceClassification.LedDevice, LedDeviceCommand.ClearAll)
// if you want to send multiple commands in a row you can do this:
IOManager.Write(DeviceClassification.LedDevice, LedDeviceCommand.ClearAll, LedDeviceCommand.B1Red)
Currently the Adx Led device is not mapped, there is a need to write commands for the various light and effects desired for the adx.
Commands are represented as Enums in this enum file: (will be renamed to LedDeviceCommand soon).
You can see I already have a command: ClearAll
Then implementing it into the AdxLedDevice, where each byte[] array in the array is a command to write to the ADX led device.
Right now it connects and clears on startup.
Then to run the command (or you can send many at once, currently it is named LedCommand but I will rename it to LedDeviceCommand to be more consistent):
Documentation here
This should give you info about how the LED works on the adx:
Note the adx LED device is a re-implementation of a 15070 LED controller apparently.
Testing can be facilitated using this project: