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Add ArtifactHub packages to website #15014

Open thisisobate opened 1 month ago

thisisobate commented 1 month ago

As part of our ongoing efforts in encouraging better developer experience across different CNCF projects, we figured it would be nice for projects to showcase their packages hosted on ArtifactHub by embedding directly on the website.

To embed all the necessary project-related packages, kindly follow this guide. You can as well view some examples:

craigbox commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the issue, @thisisobate: we're not actively publishing anything to Artifact Hub at this stage, so someone would probably need to resolve that first.

I don't think we have "integrations" in OCI packages that would suit a Keptn-like approach, though I could see ArtifactHub being useful for hosting or linking Wasm plugins for Envoy.

thisisobate commented 1 month ago

It mustn't have to be "integrations" as stated in the issue. The idea is to use ArtifactHub where it is necessary and in this case, I completely agree with you on using ArtifactHub for hosting or linking Wasm plugins.

Go for it! :)