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Unknown "worker-node-address" in tasks/traffic-management/ingress/ingress-control/ #8995

Open lei-tang opened 3 years ago

lei-tang commented 3 years ago

The task does not explain worker-node-address in "export INGRESS_HOST=worker-node-address". The task should describe what is worker-node-address and how to determine worker-node-address.

esnible commented 3 years ago

Note to see the problem text the "node port" tab must be selected.

This is a GKE specific instruction.

Minikube and several others have actual things that can be cut and pasted.

IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service has

$ ibmcloud ks workers --cluster cluster-name-or-id
$ export INGRESS_HOST=public-IP-of-one-of-the-worker-nodes

Hopefully the IBM instructions are clear enough. Someone from using GKE should provide better wording.

ericvn commented 3 years ago

Since @esnible referenced this belonging to. specific environment, assigning to that WG.