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When kubernetes cluster deploy statefulset redis cluster, the application cannot connect to external redis service #24841

Closed sundongmin closed 4 years ago

sundongmin commented 4 years ago

Bug description In kubernetes, I hava two nameapace, a called dev, another called citest. I hava a java application run in dev, and need to connect to external redis cluster(use Amazon ElastiCache), when citest has a statefulset redis cluster(no sidecar), then java applicatioin cannot connect to external redis cluster

Expected behavior

  1. Successful connect to external redis cluster
  2. From the below proxy config, I see the Istio create a listener on, but I don't understand why all the tcp traffic route to the redis-cluster.citest.svc.cluster.local, Can anyone tell me why?

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. deploy a java application, and use external redis services
  2. in another namespace(in my case, is citest), deploy a statefulset redis cluster
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
    name: redis-cluster
    app: redis-cluster
    - port: 6379
    targetPort: 6379
    name: client
    - port: 16379
    targetPort: 16379
    name: gossip
    clusterIP: None
    app: redis-cluster

    Here's log from that time

    • the application log(only paste one line, other same)
      2020-06-20 22:42:08.208  INFO 6 --- [llEventLoop-4-2] i.l.core.protocol.ReconnectionHandler    : Reconnected to
    • the istio-proxy log(only paste one line, other same)
      "authority": "-",
      "bytes_received": "0",
      "bytes_sent": "0",
      "downstream_local_address": "",
      "downstream_remote_address": "",
      "duration": "9999",
      "istio_policy_status": "-",
      "method": "-",
      "path": "-",
      "protocol": "-",
      "request_id": "-",
      "requested_server_name": "-",
      "response_code": "0",
      "response_flags": "UF,URX",
      "route_name": "-",
      "start_time": "2020-06-20T14:46:33.512Z",
      "upstream_cluster": "outbound|6379||redis-cluster.citest.svc.cluster.local", 
      "upstream_host": "",
      "upstream_local_address": "-",
      "upstream_service_time": "-",
      "upstream_transport_failure_reason": "-",
      "user_agent": "-",
      "x_forwarded_for": "-"
    • the envoy listener config
      istioctl pc listener org-api-599588fb86-l5fzn -n dev --port 6379 --address -o json
      "name": "",
      "address": {
          "socketAddress": {
              "address": "",
              "portValue": 6379
      "filterChains": [
              "filters": [
                      "name": "istio.stats",
                      "typedConfig": {
                          "@type": "",
                          "typeUrl": "",
                          "value": {
                              "config": {
                                  "configuration": "{\n  \"debug\": \"false\",\n  \"stat_prefix\": \"istio\"\n}\n",
                                  "root_id": "stats_outbound",
                                  "vm_config": {
                                      "code": {
                                          "local": {
                                              "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.stats"
                                      "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null",
                                      "vm_id": "tcp_stats_outbound"
                      "name": "envoy.tcp_proxy",
                      "typedConfig": {
                          "@type": "",
                          "statPrefix": "outbound|6379||redis-cluster.citest.svc.cluster.local",
                          "cluster": "outbound|6379||redis-cluster.citest.svc.cluster.local",
                          "accessLog": [
                                  "name": "envoy.file_access_log",
                                  "typedConfig": {
                                      "@type": "",
                                      "path": "/dev/stdout",
                                      "jsonFormat": {
                                          "authority": "%REQ(:AUTHORITY)%",
                                          "bytes_received": "%BYTES_RECEIVED%",
                                          "bytes_sent": "%BYTES_SENT%",
                                          "downstream_local_address": "%DOWNSTREAM_LOCAL_ADDRESS%",
                                          "downstream_remote_address": "%DOWNSTREAM_REMOTE_ADDRESS%",
                                          "duration": "%DURATION%",
                                          "istio_policy_status": "%DYNAMIC_METADATA(istio.mixer:status)%",
                                          "method": "%REQ(:METHOD)%",
                                          "path": "%REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)%",
                                          "protocol": "%PROTOCOL%",
                                          "request_id": "%REQ(X-REQUEST-ID)%",
                                          "requested_server_name": "%REQUESTED_SERVER_NAME%",
                                          "response_code": "%RESPONSE_CODE%",
                                          "response_flags": "%RESPONSE_FLAGS%",
                                          "route_name": "%ROUTE_NAME%",
                                          "start_time": "%START_TIME%",
                                          "upstream_cluster": "%UPSTREAM_CLUSTER%",
                                          "upstream_host": "%UPSTREAM_HOST%",
                                          "upstream_local_address": "%UPSTREAM_LOCAL_ADDRESS%",
                                          "upstream_service_time": "%RESP(X-ENVOY-UPSTREAM-SERVICE-TIME)%",
                                          "upstream_transport_failure_reason": "%UPSTREAM_TRANSPORT_FAILURE_REASON%",
                                          "user_agent": "%REQ(USER-AGENT)%",
                                          "x_forwarded_for": "%REQ(X-FORWARDED-FOR)%"
              "filterChainMatch": {
                  "applicationProtocols": [
              "filters": [
                      "name": "envoy.http_connection_manager",
                      "typedConfig": {
                          "@type": "",
                          "statPrefix": "outbound_0.0.0.0_6379",
                          "rds": {
                              "configSource": {
                                  "ads": {}
                              "routeConfigName": "6379"
                          "httpFilters": [
                                  "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                                  "typedConfig": {
                                      "@type": "",
                                      "typeUrl": "",
                                      "value": {
                                          "config": {
                                              "configuration": "{}\n",
                                              "vm_config": {
                                                  "code": {
                                                      "local": {
                                                          "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange"
                                                  "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null"
                                  "name": "istio.alpn",
                                  "typedConfig": {
                                      "@type": "",
                                      "alpnOverride": [
                                              "alpnOverride": [
                                              "upstreamProtocol": "HTTP11",
                                              "alpnOverride": [
                                              "upstreamProtocol": "HTTP2",
                                              "alpnOverride": [
                                  "name": "envoy.cors",
                                  "typedConfig": {
                                      "@type": ""
                                  "name": "envoy.fault",
                                  "typedConfig": {
                                      "@type": ""
                                  "name": "istio.stats",
                                  "typedConfig": {
                                      "@type": "",
                                      "typeUrl": "",
                                      "value": {
                                          "config": {
                                              "configuration": "{\n  \"debug\": \"false\",\n  \"stat_prefix\": \"istio\"\n}\n",
                                              "root_id": "stats_outbound",
                                              "vm_config": {
                                                  "code": {
                                                      "local": {
                                                          "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.stats"
                                                  "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null",
                                                  "vm_id": "stats_outbound"
                                  "name": "envoy.router",
                                  "typedConfig": {
                                      "@type": ""
                          "tracing": {
                              "clientSampling": {
                                  "value": 100
                              "randomSampling": {
                                  "value": 100
                              "overallSampling": {
                                  "value": 100
                          "streamIdleTimeout": "0s",
                          "accessLog": [
                                  "name": "envoy.file_access_log",
                                  "typedConfig": {
                                      "@type": "",
                                      "path": "/dev/stdout",
                                      "jsonFormat": {
                                          "authority": "%REQ(:AUTHORITY)%",
                                          "bytes_received": "%BYTES_RECEIVED%",
                                          "bytes_sent": "%BYTES_SENT%",
                                          "downstream_local_address": "%DOWNSTREAM_LOCAL_ADDRESS%",
                                          "downstream_remote_address": "%DOWNSTREAM_REMOTE_ADDRESS%",
                                          "duration": "%DURATION%",
                                          "istio_policy_status": "%DYNAMIC_METADATA(istio.mixer:status)%",
                                          "method": "%REQ(:METHOD)%",
                                          "path": "%REQ(X-ENVOY-ORIGINAL-PATH?:PATH)%",
                                          "protocol": "%PROTOCOL%",
                                          "request_id": "%REQ(X-REQUEST-ID)%",
                                          "requested_server_name": "%REQUESTED_SERVER_NAME%",
                                          "response_code": "%RESPONSE_CODE%",
                                          "response_flags": "%RESPONSE_FLAGS%",
                                          "route_name": "%ROUTE_NAME%",
                                          "start_time": "%START_TIME%",
                                          "upstream_cluster": "%UPSTREAM_CLUSTER%",
                                          "upstream_host": "%UPSTREAM_HOST%",
                                          "upstream_local_address": "%UPSTREAM_LOCAL_ADDRESS%",
                                          "upstream_service_time": "%RESP(X-ENVOY-UPSTREAM-SERVICE-TIME)%",
                                          "upstream_transport_failure_reason": "%UPSTREAM_TRANSPORT_FAILURE_REASON%",
                                          "user_agent": "%REQ(USER-AGENT)%",
                                          "x_forwarded_for": "%REQ(X-FORWARDED-FOR)%"
                          "useRemoteAddress": false,
                          "generateRequestId": true,
                          "upgradeConfigs": [
                                  "upgradeType": "websocket"
                          "normalizePath": true
      "deprecatedV1": {
          "bindToPort": false
      "listenerFilters": [
              "name": "envoy.listener.tls_inspector",
              "typedConfig": {
                  "@type": ""
              "name": "envoy.listener.http_inspector",
              "typedConfig": {
                  "@type": ""
      "listenerFiltersTimeout": "0.100s",
      "continueOnListenerFiltersTimeout": true,
      "trafficDirection": "OUTBOUND"

Version (include the output of istioctl version --remote and kubectl version and helm version if you used Helm)

# istio version
client version: 1.6.2
control plane version: 1.6.2
data plane version: 1.6.2

# kubernetes version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.10", GitCommit:"1bea6c00a7055edef03f1d4bb58b773fa8917f11", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-02-11T20:13:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.12", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.10", GitCommit:"1bea6c00a7055edef03f1d4bb58b773fa8917f11", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-02-11T20:05:26Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.12", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

How was Istio installed? istioctl

Environment where bug was observed (cloud vendor, OS, etc) kubernetes clusters with kubeadm on aws ec2

hzxuzhonghu commented 4 years ago

If you run istioctl pc listener org-api-599588fb86-l5fzn -n dev --port 6379, you can see istio generates one listeners per redis instance.

It seems you met the known issue with automtls. For more context #21964

The workaround is disable mtls explicitly with destinationrule.

DestinationRule.trafficPolicy.Tls == DISABLE

howardjohn commented 4 years ago

Closing as a duplicate of as this seems the same issue and has not had any updates for quite some time