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3rd Party Api Gateway integration #190

Open aroundthecode opened 6 years ago

aroundthecode commented 6 years ago

FEATURE REQUEST: In the last days I tried to integrate Istio with some API Gateway/ North-Sud Service Mesh.

I tested Traefik, Ambassador and Kong, trying to put them in front of a set of microservices managed by Istio

Up to now none of them seems to be able to coexist with Istio without breaking RouteRule over the (API GW)-(Istio managed service)

My understanding is that also the API GW should be injected with the Isio sidecar in order to be able to receive rules. Sadly none of the mentioned tools seems able to successfully integrate without failing or ignoring Rules, the only way to manage ingress traffic seems to be Istio Ingress itself.

Is there any way to have such tools work properly with Istio? Any plan for integrate any of them? Isio seems really interesting for managing internal routing, but I do not think that act as an API GW would be in its scope, so an integration of any third party solution would be great.

Bug: N Feature Request: Y

What Version of Istio and Kubernetes are you using, where did you get Istio from, Installation details

istioctl 0.5.0
kubectl 1.9.0 (both on-premise cluster and minikube)
srinandan commented 6 years ago

There is a working group for API Management here. You might want to join the group to discuss how API Management is being enabled.