Open jorgicio opened 6 years ago
Ok. Tomorrow will solve it.
There isn't much to look for, you've forgot to replace linguas
with l10n
inside a loop in src_prepare().
Also, EAPI 6 requires eapply_user
to be in src_prepare(), so add it too in the end of this function.
After applying these changes ebuild will compile it just fine and dandy.
Done. Check it out please.
Done. Now it builds successfully. Thank you.
Also, watch out this, please. This happens at the end of installation.
/var/tmp/portage/media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1/temp/environment: line 2306: xdg-utils_desktop_database_update: command not found /var/tmp/portage/media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1/temp/environment: line 2307: xdg-utils_mime_database_update: command not found
media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1 merged. Regenerating /etc/
thnx. That will be next step :)
Hi, Could you please check it now?
Shouldn't we restore deadbeef-9999 here?
This happens when I try to install deadbeef from your overlay. Watch out about the USE-flags and languages.
hackenherr:~ # emerge -av deadbeef [20:49:17]
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild N ] media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1::stuff USE="aac alsa cdda cover cover-imlib2 curl dts ffmpeg flac gtk3 lastfm m3u mp3 nls notify pulseaudio sndfile threads vorbis wma -adplug -alac -ape -converter -dumb -gme -gtk2 -hotkeys -midi -mms -mono2stereo -musepack -nullout -oss -pltbrowser -psf -rpath -shellexec -shn -sid -src -static -supereq -tta -vtx -wavpack -zip" L10N="es -be -bg -bn -ca -cs -da -de -el -en-GB -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -gl -he -hr -hu -id -it -ja -kk -km -lt -nl -pl -pt -pt-BR -ro -ru -si -sk -sl -sr -sr-Latn -sv -te -tr -ug -uk -vi -zh-CN -zh-TW" 4.626 KiB
Total: 1 package (1 new), Size of downloads: 4.626 KiB
Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No]
/usr/portage/distfi 100%[===================>] 4,52M 3,14MB/s in 1,4s
2018-08-17 20:49:34 (3,14 MB/s) - ‘/usr/portage/distfiles/deadbeef-0.7.2.tar.bz2’ saved [4736472/4736472]
emerge --info '=media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1::stuff'
,emerge -pqv '=media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1::stuff'
.Messages for package media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1:
ERROR: media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1::stuff failed (prepare phase):
USE Flag 'linguas_be' not in IUSE for media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1
Call stack:, line 124: Called src_prepare
environment, line 2485: Called use 'linguas_be', line 247: Called die
The specific snippet of code:
die "USE Flag '${u}' not in IUSE for ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
If you need support, post the output of
emerge --info '=media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1::stuff'
,the complete build log and the output of
emerge -pqv '=media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1::stuff'
.The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1/temp/build.log'.
The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1/temp/environment'.
Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1/work/deadbeef-0.7.2'
S: '/var/tmp/portage/media-sound/deadbeef-0.7.2-r1/work/deadbeef-0.7.2'