istornz / iPokeGo

A native iOS client to map the Pokemon around you!
MIT License
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Terminating #225

Open blackhattristar opened 8 years ago

blackhattristar commented 8 years ago

I receive this message in the Xcode console when I turn the Gyms feature on. Once I've turned the Gyms feature on and the app terminates, I rerun the app and it terminates again with the same message. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayI objectAtIndex:]: index 9 beyond bounds [0 .. 8]' *** First throw call stack: ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x000000010247fd85 __exceptionPreprocess + 165 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000101860deb objc_exception_throw + 48 2 CoreFoundation 0x0000000102368934 -[__NSArrayI objectAtIndex:] + 164 3 iPokeGo 0x0000000100c058d6 -[GymAnnotation initWithGym:] + 1766 4 iPokeGo 0x0000000100c0dab7 __30-[MapViewController reloadMap]_block_invoke.410 + 1271 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001051e6d9d _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001052073eb _dispatch_client_callout + 8 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001051ef1ef _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 1738 8 CoreFoundation 0x00000001023d90f9 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 9 9 CoreFoundation 0x000000010239ab99 __CFRunLoopRun + 2073 10 CoreFoundation 0x000000010239a0f8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 488 11 GraphicsServices 0x0000000106b2ead2 GSEventRunModal + 161 12 UIKit 0x00000001031c2f09 UIApplicationMain + 171 13 iPokeGo 0x0000000100c1b23f main + 111 14 libdyld.dylib 0x000000010523b92d start + 1 ) libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

SethG911 commented 8 years ago

Same issue here.

istornz commented 7 years ago

Is this bug always alive ?