istornz / iPokeGo

A native iOS client to map the Pokemon around you!
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Gen 2 Support #349

Closed TheNewDarkOne closed 7 years ago

TheNewDarkOne commented 7 years ago

It kinda works if using text/themeless but can't use any filters or it stops working. hide common? hides common AND all gen 2, etc. so no filter, text theme to do gen 2

what needs though is images for gen 2 in themes, and filters to add support for handling up to 250.

TheNewDarkOne commented 7 years ago

I was able to fix the theme problem myself. I just added images for pokemon 152-650 for good measure and app uses them just fine. All that remains is filter updates though so I can filter commons again without it filtering ALL gen 2

johnforeland commented 7 years ago

I tried making a theme, but my icons keep blinking 😨 Would you mind sharing the zip?

Edit: Oh never mind, my server was acting up. To anyone wanting to make their own zip, make sure to zip the root folder, not the contents of the root folder.

Edit 2: If anyone have the same error, I had to turn off caching of /raw_data only (not standard on RocketMap, I had to turn on caching of images and js and stuff manually in Nginx)

thedruid commented 7 years ago


replace in global.h:




and filter option is working again.

TheNewDarkOne commented 7 years ago

I mean building from source sure, but the source is currently behind app store version. :\

istornz commented 7 years ago

@TheNewDarkOne Can you share with me your theme plz ? I will made a new update for full support

TheNewDarkOne commented 7 years ago

Honestly I took the updated sprites from rocketmap ( and used those for personal use. I actually replaced your 1-150 sprites with these too since they were smaller and felt less cluttered overall. I'm sure to include em in this though you should probably reach out to @sebastienvercammen who put the time into making them all.

Alderon86 commented 7 years ago

@istornz This is important! Please hurry up i need this lovely notifications for new mons :D

istornz commented 7 years ago

@Alderon86 I'm sick so I will do that ASAP.

jorgitoh commented 7 years ago

@istornz Hi, you ill update the ipa / source for 2gen pokemons?. Thank you for ur work :)

istornz commented 7 years ago

@jorgitoh IPA & AppStore version 👍

decsiteru commented 7 years ago

@istornz hi is it possible to add the moveset support at the same time when clicking on the 'mon plz?

TheNewDarkOne commented 7 years ago

One step at a time, i'd rather him just get the media/filters updated first, worry about features later.

istornz commented 7 years ago

Anyone can test the new version with latest theme (don't have server to test) :

If it's ok I will publish a version on the AppStore 👍 Waiting for reply :)

johnforeland commented 7 years ago

Does that version support themes, though? Can't find it in the settings.

TheNewDarkOne commented 7 years ago

I didn't test newest version since i only run app store version. however using app store version i downloaded that theme and the theme itself is fine. of course no filters cause it's app store version.

hope that helps! img_1334

decsiteru commented 7 years ago

Can you upload an ipa to test it out? Sry I don't have a mac so i can't compile

k9ordon commented 7 years ago

im also missing the themes settings :( img_2017-02-24 12 31 50

TheNewDarkOne commented 7 years ago

Far as I know the themes stuff was never merged into this branch. a few features appeared only in app store version which is why I stopped using source version.

johnforeland commented 7 years ago

Okay, but to answer your question, @istornz, everything works (ish). AppStore version (screenshot) works perfectly with the RocketMap sprites (albeit without filtering)

GitHub version (screenshot) works with gen 2, because I added notifications for some gen 2 commons and it took me to the location in the screenshot with no Pokèmon (because no gen 2 sprites in GitHub version). See both screenshots, same area, proving Github version works with gen 2 now, just without any sprites.

So, App Store version (with themes) just needs the following, as mentioned by @thedruid: #define POKEMON_NUMBER 251 (Not 255 though, because 252-255 is only glitch Pokèmon and eggs, see screenshot.

johnforeland commented 7 years ago

I created a gen 2 support PR, if anyone wants it before an AppStore version is made / accepted by Apple. It contains new gen 1 and 2 sprites, and reduced number of Pokémon from 255 to 251. Before and after screenshot. (Pidgey and Spinarak hidden by filter, to name a few)

istornz commented 7 years ago

Hi sorry guys I have forgotten to include the theme support 👎 Now this functionality is open-sourced !

@johnforeland Thanks for your PR, but I need to remove all copyrighted image from this repo 🤐 Can anyone test this new version ?

I will submit the AppStore version today !

istornz commented 7 years ago

Version 2.5.1 submitted to the AppStore 👍

TheNewDarkOne commented 7 years ago

i did a clean build and tested all day, was good with rocketmap theme. filters and all were perfect

istornz commented 7 years ago

@TheNewDarkOne Okay thanks for your reply, I close this issue 👍