istornz / iPokeGo

A native iOS client to map the Pokemon around you!
MIT License
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Server for outside usage? #60

Open Magikx opened 7 years ago

Magikx commented 7 years ago

Hey guys, im an absolute noob to developement. Since yesterday I tried succesfully to get the App going on my iPhone since I needed to use vmware and stuff. So now im facing a new problem: How to set up a server for free? Yeah in wiki are some tutorials that show how to do it, but the only one I can rely on is the heroku one. Since I dont know how this works I would apreciate to get some help get a Server going without costs of money. I made a Heroku App till step two from the wiki, but it an application error. If I did any mistakes please tell me about them. Peace Magikx

istornz commented 7 years ago

Just create an account on, and click on this link :

Magikx commented 7 years ago

But I get an application error then....

Magikx commented 7 years ago

Now it works, but it doesnt shows any pokemon?

SrGMC commented 7 years ago

@Magikx Try to access the Heroku server through your browser (it should be like this: If it doesn't show pokemon, make sure you have filled in all the variables (Heroku App > Settings > Reveal config var) and that the Pokemon Go account works (try logging in from the Pokemon Go app). If it shows in the browser but not in the iPokéGo app, make sure you have entered the server address with http:// in front, and then it should work

vm6ej04 commented 7 years ago

I had been using PokemonGO maps running on my Mac, it worked fine. After I install iPokeGo on my iPhone, trying to use it. it shows no Pokemon.. I've try different combination of my local IP address(eg. http://, https:// without http://) Nothing works! No Pokemon. While the one running in the browser works perfectly....

So I came across the Heroku deployment method..again.. no luck. No Pokemon showing even in browser. Any help?

I've double checked

Not only no Pokemon are visible, the "Scanned location" don't even show.. meaning it's not scanning at all? How do I check the server log etc?

SrGMC commented 7 years ago

@vm6ej04 Heroku's server log is in App Dashboard > More > View Logs. Check also if Pokémon servers are working. Also, don't forget to deploy again with the new version of AHAAAAAAA's PokemonGo-Map at the develop branch because there was an update to make it work with the latest changes in the Pokemon Go API

For me, the app is working and shows the Pokémon correctly, but I think, the reason is the server, and not the app

Edit: It's a Pokémon Go API issue. I'm seeing the logs and the problem is that PokemonGo-Map is getting a 403 forbidden response, instead of a 200 normal response. This answer should be posted in PokdmonGo-Map repo and not here

brntphish commented 7 years ago

I think they are blocking cloud servers. Trying to get poketrax running by scraping from your own webserver.


miggs97 commented 7 years ago

Try using localtunnel