Open Systemdir opened 6 years ago
How Id properties from base and derived class are mapped into table columns? Have you put any annotations?
The base class extends from IdentityRole. This is how it is defined by Microsofts IdentityDbContext:
builder.Entity<TRole>((Action<EntityTypeBuilder<TRole>>) (b =>
b.HasKey((Expression<Func<TRole, object>>) (r => (object) r.Id));
b.HasIndex((Expression<Func<TRole, object>>) (r => r.NormalizedName)).HasName("RoleNameIndex").IsUnique(true);
b.Property<string>((Expression<Func<TRole, string>>) (r => r.ConcurrencyStamp)).IsConcurrencyToken(true);
b.Property<string>((Expression<Func<TRole, string>>) (u => u.Name)).HasMaxLength(256);
b.Property<string>((Expression<Func<TRole, string>>) (u => u.NormalizedName)).HasMaxLength(256);
b.HasMany<TUserRole>((Expression<Func<TRole, IEnumerable<TUserRole>>>) null).WithOne((string) null).HasForeignKey((Expression<Func<TUserRole, object>>) (ur => (object) ur.RoleId)).IsRequired(true);
b.HasMany<TRoleClaim>((Expression<Func<TRole, IEnumerable<TRoleClaim>>>) null).WithOne((string) null).HasForeignKey((Expression<Func<TRoleClaim, object>>) (rc => (object) rc.RoleId)).IsRequired(true);
The Id in the derived class had the [Key] attribute.
FixMigrationUp throws an Argument Exception "An item with the same key has already been added." in ModelFixer.cs#L173 when when a deriving class specifies the same property. This is due to entity containing the same property multiple times. In my case I had a class with an int Id which derived from IdentityRole also specifying an int Id property.
As a quick fix to this issue I added ...
... into CreateDbSetWrapper.cs just before