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Migrate from OwnCloud to NextCloud #178

Open darkdragon-001 opened 3 months ago

darkdragon-001 commented 3 months ago

You are currently using OwnCloud.

NextCloud nowadays develops faster, has more funding and more features than OwnCloud. It is used by "Hundreds of municipal, state, federal and EU government organizations in Europe", is part of the German openDesk project and can easily be migrated to from OwnCloud.

Is there a plan to migrate to NextCloud?

klml commented 3 months ago

Is there a plan to migrate to NextCloud?

@darkdragon-001 As we use several owncloud instances for different specialised services, we only need certain features in each case. We do not use owncloud as a general content collaboration and sharing platform. A migration would not offer us any specific added value here.

However, we check which alternatives are possible for each new project. In 2020, for example, we already looked into nextcloud, but then realised that we could cover the requirement with the existing OwnCloud instance DAP.

darkdragon-001 commented 3 months ago

@klml thanks for the explanation. Just one more thing to keep in mind: As time progresses, they will drift further apart and in turn migrations will become more difficult in the future. Especially as NextCloud has much more funding, I wouldn't be surprised if OwnCloud will no longer be maintained at some point.